July 2005
Backflip | Stop Bookmarking and Start Backflipping Your Favorite Places
by svartling & 9 others (via)Backflip is a free service currently being run by volunteers. A few years ago, Backflip was a startup with funding and a bright future. Economic woes at the start of the 21st century forced the parent company to make a decision. Either close the site down, or sell the Backflip assets to a few dedicated ex-Backflip employees to continue running the site. In their wisdom the board and founders decided on the latter.
Social Bookmarking Tool Comparison | ConsultantCommons.org (beta)
by svartling & 15 others (via)This article looks at the evolving crop of social bookmarking tools, their functionality and examples of use. The goal is to help nonprofits understand the value of using social bookmarking tools and to determine which social bookmarking tool would be serve their needs. This is directed at nonprofit uses of these tools.
June 2005
Sätt etikett på webben - Internetworld - En del av IDG.se
by svartling (via)I den eviga jakten på ordning och katalogisering av nätets oändliga innehåll, kommer det hela tiden nya, smarta funktioner och verktyg. För även om vi hittar det mesta med Google finns det ingen intelligens i sökningarna. En sökning på ”novell” ger länkar till både linux-produkter och sidor med noveller, men kan inte skilja de två sakerna åt.
urlgreyhot : Making libraries more delicious: Social bookmarking in the enterprise
by svartling & 4 others (via)The idea to take the concept of social bookmarking and turn it into more than just a bookmark saving service came as the result of several different types of requests we've gotten in the past. One type of request was for a way to clip or save articles found on our site digital library site. We aggregate a wide variety of diverse sources. The most relevant databases include vendor news (e.g. feeds from Factiva for newspapaers and journals) and internal databases (e.g. internal news publications, technical documents repository).
April 2005
David Galbraith - Tagging and the Semantic Web
by smudie & 2 othersTagging, i.e. on-the-fly user generated keyword categorization looks like it is becoming the standard way to categorize weblog content, replacing things like fixed pre-set categories.