public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag blogosphere

August 2005

Our Social World

by broadbandstars & 1 other
Major UK blogging conference, Cambridge Fri Sept 9th 15 speakers inc Loic Le Meur, Tom Coates, Ben Hammersley, £100 for the day

July 2005

the truth laid bear

by gaijin & 3 others
the truth laid bear blogosphere ecosystem


by François Hodierne
(parisist) A vrai dire, par moment ça ressemble tellement à un suppositoire Warcélien que ça laisserait presque un goût d'étron en bouche.

June 2005

Prospecting the Blogosphere: Blog Survey Findings

by tsalon
academic research focus on four dimensions that are associated with community: activism, reputation, social connectedness and identity

May 2005 - Bloggosphère dz

by hchicha
Le nouveau wiki de hchicha consacré à la blogosphère algerienne (dz). Recherche collaborateurs pour essayer de proposer un début de travail sur que pourrait etre la blogosphère algerienne.

Just a Sidekick…… » first draft

by tsalon
hong kong bloggers' letter to the media; Re: Blog is more than just an on-line diary

April 2005