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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & media

March 2007


by Whiz (via)
Yea, its weakipedia. NO one uses it. Mostly irrelevant info. But, they do have one OFFICIAL listing for "The WHIZ! Hey, the search engines are designed to give you the most relevant site according to the dollar amount not the site your searching for!

THE OFFICIAL WHIZ Community Web Sites on the Web!

by Whiz (via)
To help you find Whiz sites and blogs. Yes, you can find an "OFFICIAL Whiz on the web, it isn't totaly impossible. Fakes are abundant, but with a tenacious attitude you will find and an actuall genuine Whiz community web site.

OFFICIAL Whiz Community Web Sites - Links on the Web

by Whiz (via)
Looking for "The Whiz" look no further. A lot of people are looking for Whiz, but can't find him. No worries. has room for all. is one of the places to find WHIZ links for "The OFFICAL WHIZ Community Web Sites" on the web!

The "OFFICIAL WHIZ" on MySpace

by Whiz (via)
Looking for "The Whiz" look no further. A lot of people are looking for Whiz, but can't find him in the midst of all the wanna-bees on myspace. No worries. Myspace has room for all, Communities of people are looking for any actual Whiz Info, very often in vain, but Whiz can be found! Just be tenacious in your search. Do not get WIZed-OFF, be patient.

February 2007


by Blog-you (via)
按: 文章發表了作者對Blog未來發展的展望。 引文: 人人均成民間記者及評論員,是一種「新世代的傳媒」,也有人稱它為印刷、廣播、視象以外的「第四媒體」。Blog亦反映及影響民間的輿論。好像上年夏天台風派比安襲港,天文臺只掛三號風球,「地下天文臺臺長」在其blog貼出「你知道天文臺欺騙了你嗎?」,用行內數據來駁斥天文臺之非,聽說單日點擊次數逾12萬,引起傳媒廣泛報導及市民的討論。此外,去年年底我在部屋寫了一篇日本電子垃圾污染元朗及內地的文章,除引來幾份報章跟進外,還有議員在立法局提出質問,廖局長亦作出回答。後來十多位本地大學的理工科教授聯名出文,要求政府處理電子垃圾問題。這是自己造夢亦沒想到的事情。

Video and Photo Sharing

by tobascochick & 1 other
Share videos and photos from your camera and mobile phone all in one place. Post images and clips to MySpace, eBay, and blogs.

January 2007

by pallefs
Om internet, digitala medier, kommunikation och andra aktualiteter

December 2006

November 2006