public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & japon

March 2008

February 2008

January 2008

September 2007

July 2007

June 2007


by kloh
Japan Rock Music Fansite


by Fluctuat & 1 other (via)
En japonais, Manga désigne la bande dessinée, chez nous c'est la bande dessinée japonaise, voire l'esthétique déclinée au cinéma.

May 2007

April 2007

Le savoir-vivre japonais

by sofifi
Le savoir-vivre japonais

Se déplacer au Japon

by discret
Se déplacer au Japon

March 2007


by topdos
Promenade visuelle à Tokyo, Evènement, photographies, Croquis, Graphisme japonais et autres aventures plus personnelles.

February 2007


by momoiro
Blog sur le Japon

January 2007

November 2006

Blue Lotus

by gregg
A Canadian girl eats her way around Tokyo.

Obachan's Kitchen & Balcony Garden

by gregg (via)
OBACHAN" means a "middle-aged woman" or "aunt" in Japanese. Here's a woman who enjoys being a non-stereotypical OBACHAN in a comfortably underpopulated rural area in Japan.... Currently working 10 afternoons a month in an office and 5 nights a week in the kitchen at a kaiseki (traditional Japanese full-course meal) place as a dishwasher. The rest of the time, studying for a work I wish to do in the future

October 2006

September 2006