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by sbrothier & 1 other
Blog d'une parisienne franco-suisse qui s'intéresse à la cuisine, à la botanique, à l'environnement, au design, à l'architecture, à la photo, aux pays nordiques en général et à la Suède en particulier...


Tea for Me

by Sarcomical
i'm loving this sweet blog full of beautiful things. from food to interiors to photography to writing to music to all sorts of other delights, this little spot on the internet is a place you can get lost in.

avec les plantes - Le blog de virjaja

by sbrothier
LA SOUPE DU ROI-SOLEIL le roi Louis XIV n'aimait que les bonnes choses, meme simples. c'est ainsi que son potage préféré était a base d'orties et de coquelicots. ingrédients de cette soupe royale: 250g de feuilles de coquelicot, autant de jeunes pousses d'orties. 3 pommes de terre gruyère pain grillé sel, poivre


by sbrothier
Un blog ou tout est "ooishi" delicieux!

Clea Cuisine | Clea cuisine - Best-of 2008

by sbrothier
Petit florilège de l’année écoulée…


Clea Cuisine | recettes bio, végétariennes, japonaises

by sbrothier
J’ai 27 ans et je cuisine pendant mon temps libre, en dehors de mon travail (qui n’a, lui, rien à voir avec la cuisine !). Je suis donc une amatrice, passionnée, et mon plus grand plaisir est de créer sans cesse de nouvelles recettes pour amuser mes papilles et celles de mes proches. Mes préférences vont vers des ingrédients bio que l’on ne trouve pas nécessairement dans les supermarchés lambda, c’est pourquoi je me fournis généralement dans les magasins bio. Purée d’amande, miso ou tahin font partie de mon quotidien culinaire, comme vous pourrez le découvrir en testant les recettes du blog !


by springnet & 2 others
Nectar With-a-Sting Honey Mustard featured in my V Cuisine cookbook. Of course, I've made other dressings before - the classic vinaigrette, several tofu-based creamy monstrosities - but they don't even come close to the awesome power that is this dressing


Stroke Prevention

by firearmspedia
What is stroke? How food can help prevent stroke.

Real Men Eat Tartar Steak

by axlarry (via)
Real men don’t eat quiche, they eat Tartar

Around the World in 80 Days: A Travel Blog by Conde Nast Traveler at

by wiredsetman
Things started going wrong for Florence about a thousand years ago, when a very important man named Hugo--a margrave, no less--decided he wanted to live in Florence instead of the then capital, Lucca, a decision which brought on a period known as The Golden Age of Florentine Art. Half a millennium later, A guy named Lorenzo di Medici started running the show and throwing serious money at local artists like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci (best known for his thrilling novel, "The Da Vinci Code") and Botticelli. Pretty soon, all the talk was about Florence: The architecture! The paintings! The sculptures! The ravioli!

Around the World in 80 Days: A Travel Blog by Conde Nast Traveler at

by wiredsetman
As I write this, it is 5:20 p.m. here and 5:20 a.m. on the Eastern Seaboard. My watch is correct once again. I am halfway around the world. Here on the other side of the world, no one seems to think I'm dressed very well. Every second man I pass in the street wants to make me brand new a suit. So great is their alarm over my appearance that they assure me that one can be ready in just a few hours.

Around the World in 80 Days: A Travel Blog by Conde Nast Traveler at

by wiredsetman
This extremely beautiful stretch of asphalt is the pier at Red Hook, Brooklyn. Actually, it's the parking lot. I tried to get to the pier, but the security guard would hear nothing of it, for reasons that remain unclear. If all goes according to plan, I will be stepping onto said pier exactly 80 days from now. Soon after that, I will reach the parking lot. But I have many miles to go before any of that happens.

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