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PUBLIC MARKS with tag autonomy


Histoire du mouvement autonome << GoogleMap

by rike_
Histoire du mouvement autonome » La composante extra-légale du mouvement révolutionnaire de la fin du XXe siècle en Europe de l'Ouest.


FastMac | Product

by mauriz
Batteries pour MacBook avec 68% d'autonomie en plus


makeworlds | border=0 location=yes

by rike_
Makeworlds paper#4 is a product of collaborative text filtering and appeared in a circulation of 10,000 hard copies on dead tree. It was produced as a collection of associated or complementary or auxiliary text material at the occasion of NEURO--networking europe, from February 26-29 in Munich (DE). But also beyond the actual event the paper will be valuable as a entry point to the various debates, presentations, workshops and audio-visual productions during and around the festival.


by rike_
Netsukuku is a mesh network or a P2P net system that generates and sustains itself autonomously. It is designed to handle an unlimited number of nodes with minimal CPU and memory resources. Thanks to this feature it can be easily used to build a worldwide distributed, anonymous and anarchical network, separated from the Internet, without the support of any servers, ISPs or authority controls. Keep in mind that it is a _physical network_, it isn't built upon any other existing net, therefore there must be computers linked _physically_ each other, then Netsukuku will build the routes.


Autonomy avale Verity pour 500 millions de dollars

by nhoizey (via)
Spécialiste des solutions de gestion des connaissances (KM), Autonomy vient d'annoncer la signature d'un accord pour acquérir Verity, son homologue américain sur le marché du traitement de l'information. Prévue pour la fin de l'année, la transaction est estimée à 500 millions de dollars, en numéraire, soit 13,50 dollars par action.


by lunar & 5 others
For example, if you search for "biotechnology" in a typical search engine, you get hundreds of entries for biotech corporations. In activista, the same search returns pages of people working to expose the dangers of biotechnology.

Routage dynamique avec BGP

by lunar
Ce document est fourni pour vous permettre de comprendre et de configurer BGP.

GenderChanger Academy

by lunar
The Gender Changer Academy is a nonprofit organisation by women for women, its primary goal being to improve women's understanding and skills with regards to computer hardware.


by lunar
Parce que sortir d'une ville en stop, c'est pas toujours drôle... Rester 5 heures au même endroit, regarder la route déserte, se dire qu'on aurait mieux fait de se renseigner avant sur les bon plans Stop de ce bled...


by lunar & 3 others
Chouettes brochures pour vos neurones

VégéList - Végétarisme

by lunar & 1 other (via)
Recette Végétarienne, Restaurant Végétarien

by lunar & 1 other
Our purpose is to aid in the creation of a free society, a world with freedom from want and freedom of expression, a world without oppression or hierarchy, where power is shared equally. We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression.

a n a r g e e k . n e t

by lunar
m a n i f e s t e · d ' u n · a n a r g e e k


by lunar & 3 others
Newlimits est un projet d'encyclopédie pratique traitant des techniques alternatives de vie.


by lunar & 3 others
Fournisseur d'accès à Internet par modem gratuit et sans log

squat!net [fr]

by lunar
Actualité des squats (en français)


by lunar & 1 other
Atelier d'informatique populaire à Dijon

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