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PUBLIC MARKS with tags authentification & openid


JanRain Brings OpenID And Other Single Sign-On Options To iPhone Apps

by nhoizey
"iPhone developers will be able to use it to create a scrolling menu of sign-in options (RPX supports 16 identity platforms). "


Official Google Data APIs Blog: Bringing OpenID and OAuth Together

by nhoizey & 2 others
The Hybrid Protocol is a result of the ongoing effort by the OpenID and OAuth communities to make these protocols more useful for users and websites. Google is working together with the OpenID community to standardize the new protocol as a formal OpenID extension.


ID Selector - Making OpenID easier

by camel & 4 others (via)
Tiens voilà une excellente initiative qui devrait faire le bonheur des webmasters de sites et blogs qui utilisent le systèmes d'authentification Open ID pour leurs visiteurs. Open ID Selector est un widget que vous allez pouvoir installer sur vos sites après avoir rempli un simple formulaire qui adaptera le Widget à votre site ou blog. Ce widget offre à vos visiteurs la possibilité de s'identifier avec un des systèmes proposés ou, si leur identifiant Open ID ne fait pas parti de la liste, ils pourront choisir " other " et s'identifier tout de même.

Projects/ModAuthOpenID - Butterfat

by camel
mod_auth_openid is an authentication module for the Apache 2 webserver. It handles the functions of an OpenID consumer as specified in the OpenID 1.1 specification. See the FAQ for more information. Download the current release from the the releases page.

Microsoft marie Cardspace et OpenID 2.0 - Actualités Architecture logicielle - Le Monde Informatique

by CharlesNepote
Microsoft annonce le mariage de sa technologie Cardspace avec OpenID, le standard d'authentification décentralisé.


Yubico - Trust the net

by CharlesNepote
"The YubiKey is a new, simple and secure authentication solution. With a simple click on the YubiKey button, your identity and a unique password is sent every time you use it. The device connects to the USB port, fits in your wallet and works on all platforms and browsers, without the need of any client software. Together with the Yubico back-end integration platform, we enable quick and easy integration with any online service."

OpenID |

by CharlesNepote
"Initial stable 5.x release - functional backport of core's openid.module for Drupal 6."

OAuth — An open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.

by camel & 13 others (via)
An open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.

Orange : Service OpenID d'Orange

by CharlesNepote
Orange est le premier opérateur à proposer un service d'authentification unique (SSO) pour ses clients. Le service utilise le système OpenID, issu de la communauté du logiciel libre, offrant ainsi un accès unifié aux sites, toujours plus nombreux, ralliant le standard OpenID.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag authentification

cas +   groupe:clever-age +   ntlm +   php +   spnego +   sso +   windows +  

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