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PUBLIC MARKS with tags audio & podcasting

February 2007

Les Podcasts de la Sorbonne

by tomlaigle (via)
Différentes rubriques (Politique, Revue de presse, Controverse, Savoirs, Université), pour des podcasts de fond, sur différents sujets.

January 2007

Massive Resource List for eLearning

by knann & 2 others (via)
Audio, video, and web services for research and learning

December 2006

Podcast français facile

by tomlaigle
Comme son nom l'indique, des textes simples à écouter. Le style de lecture ex-trê-me-ment distinct diminue l'intérêt de ces ressources...

November 2006

Incipit Blog

by tomlaigle & 23 others
Un journal audio de lectures à voix haute, pour redécouvrir de grands textes...


by knann & 2 others
A software program that makes enhanced podcasting easy. This is a beta version limited to 10 minutes of recording. It's pretty slick as it automatically adjusts volume levels for consistency and for lead-in voiceovers.

What are PodGuides?

by knann
PodGuide is a very simple thing. It's the combination of a map (PDF or JPG) of a certain place with numbered dots on it and a series of audio tracks (mp3) which you can download for your iPod. Each numbered dot corresponds with the track number you should play to hear the audio comment about that specific place on the map. If your mp3 player supports the viewing of artwork from the ID-3 tags in mp3 files, then you'll also be able to see a picture of what you should be looking at whilst playing a track. Think of an audio tour in a museum, but not limited to just that.


by knann & 2 others (via)
Audio and video podcasting service. Create audio over the phone. Record video online. Post to blog automatically.

Gcast. Make your voice heard.

by knann & 4 others (via)
We'll store all your audio and automatically generate your podcast channel. We offer many ways to add to your podcast channel: Record messages by phone (never touch a computer!) Upload MP3 files from your computer Add "podsafe" songs from Mix all the above with our online playlist manager Whether you're podcasting a 30-sec phone message or a 30-min radio show, you can publish it with Gcast for FREE. We'll store your media and automatically generate the "RSS feed" that enables listeners to "tune in" to your podcast channel.

Record by phone with

by knann & 1 other is a podcasting and audioblogging platform that offers an easy way to create and distribute audio content. Most people will use a touch-tone telephone to make their recordings but we also provide worldwide access to the service through VoIP. Once you have made a recording and have published it, a newsfeed is immediately and automatically updated to alert subscribers to your channel.


by knann
Software program for publishing audio and video podcasts for Mac OSX

Audacity Tutorial for Podcasters

by knann (via)
Very in-depth audio/video tutorials on how to use Audacity. Six different tutorials available. Follow the Recording setup at least to where the import Lame file is demonstrated. The lame .dll is available in groups in a folder called Audacity.

Audacity 1.2 Tutorial

by knann
An easy to follow tutorial on how to use Audacity for editing an existing clip.


by knann
This one incredible tool. Allows you to create interactive points in either a .mp3 or flash file. These points can contain more information, comments, links, even other media files.....Lots of implications for the classroom. - Podcasting in Education

by knann (via)
Great introduction for anyone interested in podcasting. Bring free audio and video content into the classroom—and post content for others to listen to! Find, subscribe,listen, create podcasts

October 2006

| |

by tomlaigle & 3 others
Des bouts de sons, d'interviews, d'expérimentations sonores...

September 2006

August 2006

July 2006

Technophilia: Find great podcasts - Lifehacker

by nackereia & 1 other
A list to sites that either list great podcasts, or allow you to search for them.