public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags art & politics

November 2005

Félix Guattari

by rike_ & 1 other
l'ouvre de felix guattari dans la revue chimeres et dans terminal, textes a lire et telecharger

[Multitudes Web]

by rike_ & 6 others
philosphie, politique, art contemporain a tendence capitalisme cognitif ;8

July 2005

web design programming blog software reference music tools css javascript art news linux google ajax blogs java webdesign howto search cool internet politics fun mac maps humor rss development photography toread technology flash tech tutorial games funny

by hurlantenova
web design programming blog software reference music tools css javascript art news linux google ajax blogs java webdesign howto search cool internet politics fun mac maps humor rss development photography toread technology flash tech tutorial games funny

June 2005

Botero's anger at Abu Ghraib on display in Rome

by ramage (via)
Botero told Reuters he hoped his works would be a "permanent witness to a great crime" in much the same way Picasso's "Guernica" has become a permanent reminder of the tragedies of the Spanish Civil War.

May 2005

Le pouvoir des étoiles

by sbrothier & 3 others
Le mois dernier, le diplomate norvégien Charung Gollar a illustré la UNE sur les principaux problèmes dans le monde en 2004. Il a présenté 1 set de 8 images intitulées "le pouvoir des étoiles" et a été applaudi pour la simplicité de cette idée. En dépit de sa modestie, son travail a été soumis pour le prix Nobel de marketing politique.

April 2005


by sbrothier & 3 others
gotta ketchup with this election

March 2005

January 2005

Center for the Study of Political Graphics

by mbertier & 1 other (via)
featuring really funny movie-like posters.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag art

ass +   beautiful +   beauty +   butt +   desperate +   erotic +   galleries +   gallery +   horny +   kinky +   legs +   naughty +   Panties +   panty +   photo +   photos +   rear +   sexy +   skirt +   stockings +   string +   thong +   upskirt +   upskirtr +