public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags art & humour

December 2006

November 2006

October 2006

August 2006

by alexnihilo
la vraie machine à fabriquer du caca

wim delvoye enterprises

by alexnihilo & 3 others
par l'inventeur de la machine à caca, cloaca


by alexnihilo
jeu absurde sur les virus informatiques


by alexnihilo
Changing the feel of communication.

July 2006

June 2006


by sunny & 3 others
"Amateurs d'humour décalé et de fous rires, allez y jeter un coup d'oeil de toute urgence : cette Zazon mérite d'être connue (et de toute façons elle le sera très vite)." -- Arnaud

Welcome to Wyomodibo

by etm157
A fine city. Home to art, poetic photography and graphic work, love and that. A new view on the world.

May 2006

March 2006

OpenLaszlo+RubyOnRails+Imagination = Comics @

by tiago.cardoso
Draw your own comic strips online..It was never this easy. If your are a sketch artist, someone that loves to draw or simple just a perso that like cool stuff, this if for you. In your are able to sketch and draw directly online and publish your art. Be sure to register if you want your work to be identified and your site promoted. It's easy and fun.. just draw and save. Users can see others work in a cool "real time" drawing style. Try it and have fun.

February 2006

January 2006

October 2005

September 2005

La référence du web ! Forum, annuaire, t'chat, recettes de cuisine, informatique...

L'espace convivial par excellence où l'on passe et repasse. Vous vous y sentirez comme chez vous !

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag art

irak +   usa +   war +