August 2014
June 2014
May 2014
April 2014
March 2014
Web Application Architecture
by SponeI've spent some time thinking about how a web application should be architected. How should it look from a high level? How does the development cycle look? How does the deployment process look?
I read a lot about how applications should be modular, and I agree with this, but in practice I've come to realize I don't know how a large application should look.
Hexagonal Architecture Guidelines for Rails - The Audacious Code Experiment
by SponeGood application design is hard and there’s no one “right” way to do it.
I often get asked the how I design decoupled applications and while there’s no easy answer I’m going to lay down the rules that have worked for me.
February 2014
January 2014
November 2013
A Couple Leaves their Jobs to Build a House of Windows in the Mountains of West Virginia | Colossal
by anbllune chouette cabane dans la forêt, New Virginia
September 2013
August 2013
Speedup Symfony2 on Vagrant boxes — Whitewashing
by Xavier Lacot & 1 otherSome tips for making Symfony2 faster on Vagrant + VirtualBox