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PUBLIC MARKS with tag archi

September 2013

JVA Startpage -

by sbrothier & 1 other
Architecture should start in the beginning of any planning process, primarily it is a tool of organizing. Architecture needs relationship; it should grow on resistance to gain a reflective content. Architecture ought to be interesting rather than pretty. Architecture has to be a greater challenge than just making your (old) dreams physical. Architectural challenges are international, solutions should cross borders. Architecture must be practiced in an open context in an increasing field of related professions. Architecture should be exciting, not just satisfying. Architecture has to be healthy in a wide sense. Architecture is not just about the money.

Its interior bays once held racehorses, but now this all-white and wood home holds fascination as a modern part-time home

by sbrothier
Tucked away on the lush grounds of an English estate, this 1900s stable once housed prized racehorses before suffering decades of neglect. But despite the lack of electricity and modern plumbing, the structure was relatively sound and stood steady, so the owners worked with architect Andy Ramus to turn it into a modern guesthouse, saving what they could from the original structure. The original stable doors and walls define the new layout; they now stand out amid the new neutral palette. Converted trough sinks, towel holders made from horse ties and sliding stable doors complement Ramus' simple, modern additions perfectly.

June 2013

Switch Systems

by sbrothier
Quality inside and out. A cut above the rest. Our light switching systems. Our switching systems made of porcelain, bakelite and duroplast have been developed by our in-house specialists. We have produced them in Thuringia (porcelain covers and inner units) and in Westphalia (bakelite and duroplast covers, inner units ans switching mechanisms).


by sbrothier
Interrupteurs / prises


by sbrothier
Sustainable Renovation project of a flat in Barcelona, based on the 5 Rs of eco design

April 2013

My Homemade Greenhouse | ThinMan's Blog

by sbrothier (via)
I just finished building a small greenhouse that I plan to use for plant starting in the spring.  I think I overbuilt it a bit, but I was concerned about the snow buildup this winter. I started with a frame of pressure treated 4 x 4s and beveled them on the end because I plan to drag the greenhouse to another location next summer when I’m done with it.

viso3D - your iPad SketchUp Viewer

by sbrothier
Export your SketchUp model to view on your iPad using Viso3D's SketchUp plug-in. Add a lightmap while exporting to simulate SketchUp sunlight and shadows and indirect light. View, navigate and explore your 3D SketchUp creation on an iPad. Download the Viso iPad viewer app from the iTunes app store for free.

March 2013

a f a s i a: 120 Anna & Eugeni Bach, arquitectes

by sbrothier (via)
Cuando una pareja de arquitectos tiene hijos pequeños, siempre llega el día en que éstos preguntan: -    Papá, mamá,... ¿Vosotros sois arquitectos, verdad? -    Sí... -    ¿Y hacéis casas a la gente? -    Si, claro... Y entonces viene la pregunta trampa: -¿Y por qué no nos hacéis una casita a nosotros?

February 2013

2011 Evergreen Awards Greenhouse Winner - Award Winners, Single Family, Design, Photovoltaics, Net-Zero Energy, Students, Architecture - Architect Magazine

by sbrothier (via)
The house at 3716 Springfield is one of the most unusual spec houses in the United States. At 2,640 square feet, it is not particularly large or imposing. But in the midst of the sedate environs of Kansas City, Kan., its contemporary lines are startling—it looks like a rendering that has been magically Photoshopped onto its site. And, unlike most spec homes, it was designed to be a net-zero-energy house, with rooftop photovoltaics (PV) and a 25-foot-tall wind turbine in the backyard.

Maison 2G by Avenier & Cornejo Architectes

by sbrothier
French studio Avenier & Cornejo Architectes has used strips of cedar cladding to wrap every surface of this house in Orsay, France

Riverclack | Bacacier

by sbrothier
Esthétique d’un joint debout Très faible pente (à partir de 3%) Très grandes longueurs (jusqu’à 100m) Aucune fixation traversante Système de fixation éliminant tous les ponts thermiques Cintrage naturel à partir d’un rayon de 20m Excellente durabilité Système de couverture très léger

Membrane Sarnafil: étanchéité de bacs acier par fixation mécanique | Sika France

by sbrothier
La gamme des systèmes Sarnafil propose des solutions par fixation mécanique, avec des membranes synthétiques à base de PVC, mais aussi de FPO. Il existe plusieurs épaisseurs de membranes adaptées à chaque application. Ces systèmes sont soudables à l'air chaud, avec absence de flamme pour plus de sécurité. Ils offrent à vos ouvrages durabilité et fiabilité


by sbrothier
REVEALSHIELD™ is a black UV stable Water Resistive Vapor Permeable Air Barrier Membrane for use with open joint cladding systems.

From shou-sugi-ban to acetylated wood – a clean, green future in wood preservation | The Creative Flux

by sbrothier
Since humans began using wood, the material has always been subject to more or less successful methods of wood preservation. Alexander the Great is said to have soaked wood used for bridge building in olive oil. The Romans brushed their ship hulls with tar. Tar was also extensively used by the Scandinavians which makes sense, as their lands to a large extent are covered in dense pine forests. Tar is dry distilled from finely split pine wood in so called “tar kilns”. According to Wikipedia, tar has probably been used in Scandinavia since the Iron Age. It remained the most popular method for hundreds of years, and from the 14th century on, it was one of Sweden’s most important exports. Production didn’t cease until the beginning of the 20th century when the wood tar was replaced with chemicals.

焼杉 伝統的製作技法

by sbrothier
建物の外壁材に使用する伝統的材料「焼杉(やきすぎ)」。昔は多くの建物がこの「焼杉」で仕上げられていました。あらかじめ表面を焦がし、炭化状にしておくことで初期の着火性を低くし、耐火性能を持たせます。また、風雨にさらされる杉板の耐久性を高める役割も担います。 先人の知恵によって伝統的に使用されてきた「焼杉」ですが、最近は法規制や建物デザインの洋風化などによりその数は減っています。しかし香川の地においてはまだまだ使える場面も多く、「国産材を使う」という観点からも積極的に使用していきたいと考えています。何といっても無垢の木材ですから、全くの天然素材です。

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag archi

41 +   energy +   environment +   Fabien Metreau +   friend +   location:loir et cher +   maison bois +   montoire +   ossature bois +   +