January 2006
Apple - QuickTime - Tutorials - Creating Video for iPod
by fox_bWith QuickTime 7 Pro, you can create your own videos that will play on the new iPod. Already have great home movies you want to play on your iPod? No problem. QuickTime 7 Pro helps you easily convert them to a format that iPod understands.* Just follow these easy instructions and you'll be watching your own video on your iPod in no time.
Attack of the iPod People (NYC Short Stories)
by jeevesOverheard in New York: The Voice of the City
December 2005
MacBidouille.com : Bidouille hardware sur Mac
by Jibe & 29 othersMacbidouille est le premier site Mac francophone et l'une des réféences mondiales dans l'actualité Mac.
by Jibe & 2 othersUn très bon site Mac.
News, Forum très sympa, Tests...
Utilisateurs Mac, visitez-le !
Macsimum News - Handtops: a market Apple should investigate
by oseres (via)no idea what such a device would cost since the Sony handtop is available only in Japan. But it’s worth considering, IMHO. After all, with the success of the iPod, Apple is certainly investigating the possibilit
A terabyte iPod and other Apple predictions
by vistaOne analyst's predictions for what new products Apple has in store.
November 2005
Could Apple be planning a new iPhone?
by teleclickPiper Jaffray analyst, Gene Munster remains decidedly optimistic about Apple’s share price, and predicts a variety of future innovations by the company, including a possible Apple-manufactured iTunes Phone.
October 2005
The ROKR is off to a Rocky Start
by teleclickMotorola’s new ROKR cell phone, best known for its ability to play Apple iTunes music, isn’t performing anywhere near as well as expected.