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PUBLIC MARKS with tags api & kml


geoxml3 - KML processor for the Google Maps JavaScript API V3 - Google Project Hosting

by srcmax
he geoxml3 project is an effort to develop a KML processor for use with Version 3 of the Google Maps JavaScript API. This API is specifically designed to be lightweight and modular; accordingly, it did not originally contain the built-in KML support of Version 2. This library was originally intended to fill that need; as KML support has been added natively in Version 3, it now allows access to individual markers, polylines and polygons, rendered from KML.


More Info: KML on Google Maps - Google Maps API | Google Groupes

by hobbes
forcer le téléchargement des fichiers kml avec htaccess

geobloggers » Flickr, KML, and a stroll down memory lane.

by nhoizey
Flickr va très prochainement ajouter des liens vers des flux KML pour Google Earth en plus des liens RSS, mais c'est déjà utilisable, et ça déchire, comme on dit !

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