November 2005
//// COLOURlovers :: loving colours since 1981
by kalley & 14 othersColdFusion制作的站点 进去之后发现该站点的主题只有一个:颜色 在那里可以查看到大量的有关颜色的内容,他们把颜色分好类别起好名字,你可以知道什么颜色是流行的,某种颜色代表的含意等等,总之那里没有几幅图像,但是却靠着简单的调色板吸引着世界上无数的色彩爱好者
September 2005
The Web Standards Project
by nhoizey (via)I did a small comparative analysis of markup practices at several major search engines. It's interesting to note that only one engine is using valid markup and CSS layouts, and that would be MSN.
(2 marks)