public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags animation & web

July 2007

Agence Créamotion : creation de sites internet

by creamotion
Agence de création de sites internet orientés Web 2.0 de très bonne qualité. . Respect des normes w3c . Maitrise du Web2.0 (graphisme web2.0 , programmation Ajax, ergonomie intuitive...) . Maitrise de Flash (Programmation & Animation) . Maitrise du référencement (Full URL rewritting, metatags etc...) . Hébergement Pro Les meilleurs!


by zagtag & 2 others
partage animations videos, etc

June 2007


by kloh & 4 others
Design : Photography : Illustration : Art Direction

May 2007

April 2007


by SaintJaya (via)
Sanjaya Malakar is a contestant on American Idol. A blog dedicated to Sanjaya and American Idol.

March 2007

Bush is Committed - Politics & Government Jokes - JibJab

by Gizmoz & 1 other (via)
Joke Originally Submitted by: aasimpy. "I made this over at - took a few minutes, and then I added in the flash bulbs and other audio fx on my own. The joke was from Letterman." > l am Lonelygirl15 Hear my Story

by Gizmoz, 1 comment (via)
LonelyGirl15 - the YouTube celebrity tells the truth about herself. If all she did was tell her story... but she includes a threat to sum it up! She's got some nerve!

February 2007

November 2006

moo.fx - size does matter

by renatolz & 18 others
moo.fx is a superlightweight, ultratiny, megasmall javascript effects library, to be used with prototype.js or the mootools framework. It's very easy to use, blazing fast, cross-browser, standards compliant, provides controls to modify any CSS property o

October 2006

September 2006

Atypique Design

by Atypique
Nathalie Vergères, créative indépendante dans le domaine de l’image (graphisme, image de synthèse «3D », illustration, web). Je mets mes compétences à votre service dans un climat d’écoute et d’échange afin de proposer une solution adaptée à vos besoins.

TUTMarks /

by -Nicolas- & 69 others, 1 comment
TUTMARKS est un site web collaboratif spécialisé dans le partage et la promotion de tutoriaux sur Internet, il permet aux internautes de proposer des tutoriaux trouvés sur le web, de les commenter, et d'en évaluer l'intérêt par un système de vote/notation.

August 2006

July 2006