public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "aggregate functions"

August 2010

MongoDB Aggregation I: Counting and Grouping | Kyle Banker

by ghis & 1 other
Serie of 3 posts on MongoDB aggregation. The group() function is awesomely powerful.

April 2010

Django Dose - Introduction to Aggregates in Django

by ghis
With the 1.1 release of Django came several major new features, prominent among these is aggregation, which was among the most oft-requested for Django's ORM. The addition and manner of implementation of this feature highlights several fundamental philosophies within Django, as well as provides new possibilities. Fundamentally aggregates support in Django means a way to answer queries such as "show me all the authors who have published more than 1 book" or "show me the most expensive book".

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "aggregate functions"

django +   mongodb +   NoSQL +   orm +  

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last mark : 23/08/2010 11:11