public marks


November 2006

October 2006

Serializing SPARQL Query Results in JSON

by Xavier Lacot
This document defines an alternative means of serializing the results of the SPARQL ASK and SELECT query forms using JSON, a lightweight representation format which emphasizes concision and legibility. (one day my son, that will work...)


by piouPiouM
General purpose processor

September 2006

GRDDL RDFa Example

by greut & 1 other
The digital library use case is a typical example of a scenario where a publisher of distributed web content meant for both human and machine consumption:

RAP - Rdf API for PHP V0.9.4 - Home

by piouPiouM & 5 others (via)
RAP is a software package for parsing, searching, manipulating, serializing and serving RDF models.

SPARQL Query Language for RDF

by piouPiouM & 4 others
W3C Candidate Recommendation 6 April 2006

August 2006

June 2006

XTech 2006: SPARQLing Services

by simonrozet
A very interessant paper about SPARQL

May 2006

April 2006

March 2006

February 2006

January 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag SPARQL

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