public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags SPARQL & rdf

April 2008

D2R Server – Publishing Relational Databases on the Semantic Web

by nhoizey
D2R Server is a tool for publishing relational databases on the Semantic Web. It enables RDF and HTML browsers to navigate the content of the database, and allows applications to query the database using the SPARQL query language.

February 2008

January 2008

Implementation Survey

by greut

This implementation report summarizes results from 14 implementations of the SPARQL Query Language for RDF against the RDF Data Access Working Group's query language test suite.

RAP and RDFLib aren't the better ones

Easy RDF and SPARQL for LAMP systems - ARC RDF Classes for PHP

by CharlesNepote & 2 others
"ARC is a flexible RDF system for semantic web and PHP practitioners. It's open-source, easy to use, and runs in most web server environments."

November 2007

October 2007

September 2007

Dbpedia en action | Les petites cases

by parmentierf
A l'occasion de la nouvelle version de Dbpedia, je me suis remis au boulot et j'ai mis au point quelques exemples qui, je l'espère, montreront tout l'intérêt de disposer de données structurées, disponibles sous une forme normalisée, RDF, et interrogeable via un langage de requête et un protocole normalisé, SPARQL. Bref, montrer l'intérêt des technologies du Web sémantique.

August 2007


by greut
Carmen is an application server driven by RDF, N3, OWL and SPARQL and based on Twisted.

June 2007 - Using Wikipedia as a Web Database

by CharlesNepote & 7 others is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia and to link other datasets on the Web to Wikipedia data.

May 2007

February 2007

Dojo Data

by greut
The module provides datastore objects which a JavaScript program can use to access a variety of different data sources.

Semantictools Forum

by mnaver
Russian Forum about Semantic Web


by mnaver
Что такое Семантическая Паутина? Перспективы, технологии, проекты, инструменты.

December 2006

Jena Semantic Web Framework

by clochix & 1 other
Jena is a Java framework for building Semantic Web applications. It provides a programmatic environment for RDF, RDFS and OWL, SPARQL and includes a rule-based inference engine. Jena is open source and grown out of work with the HP Labs Semantic Web Programme. The Jena Framework includes: * A RDF API * Reading and writing RDF in RDF/XML, N3 and N-Triples * An OWL API * In-memory and persistent storage * SPARQL query engine

November 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag SPARQL

ajax +   analyseur syntaxique +   api +   cms +   datastore +   erdf +   exif2rdf +   faq +   flickr2rdf +   floss +   foaf +   forum +   framework +   govtrack +   html +   java +   jena +   js +   json +   metadata +   microformat +   n3 +   openid +   owl +   parseur +   php +   python +   rdf +   rdfa +   rdfs +   rss +   semantic +   semantic web +   semanticweb +   sémantique +   software +   sql +   triplet +   turtle +   tutorial +   uri +   w3c +   web +   web 2.0 +   web sémantique +   web2.0 +   xak +   xml +   xmpp +   xpath +