14 June 2006
Poincaré conjecture
by YukuanMarkthe Poincaré conjecture (pronounced "pwahn cah ray" or IPA: [pwɛ̃kaˈʀe]) [1] is a conjecture about the characterisation of the three-dimensional sphere amongst three-dimensional manifolds.
08 June 2006
by YukuanMark儘管破解世界數學百年難題“龐加萊猜想”的成績轟動全國,但中山大學教授朱熹平仍然一如既往地保持著他低調的作風,婉拒了各媒體的採訪。
Poincaré Conjecture
by YukuanMarkthe Poincaré conjecture states that every simply connected closed three-manifold is homeomorphic to the three-sphere (in a topologist's sense) S^3
(4 marks)