public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag Pirates


The Pirate Bay and Other Pirate Sites Will Be Blocked in Australia

by alamat & 1 other (via)
It’s been several years in the making and a move that required legislative change and cooperation between rightsholders and ISPs, but Australians will soon be subjected to the site-blocking phenomenon.


iOS Apps: Lil’ Pirates

by alamat (via)
Avast ya scallywags! Drop anchor and prepare to be boarded. There be Lil’ Pirates in these waters! Amass your perfect crew and craft the finest ship as you set sail for adventure and plunder as the captain of your own pirate vessel. From a modest beginning you’ll transform your ship into an object of fear and envy and amass a fortune fit for a king.


24H de la BD : défi relevé !

by julien.c
J'ai terminé dans les temps mes 24 planches de bandes dessinées à l'occasion des 24 heures de la bandes dessinée. Rappel de la contrainte : l'histoire réalisée par chaque participant devait être totalement muette et mettre en scène des pirates !


Fupete in Paris! | Fabrik Project

by sbrothier & 1 other
Some shoots coming from our friend Fupete. His first solo exposition in Paris “Jolly Roger” is started at the Since.Upian Gallery till the 9 of the next month.


The Secret History of Rum

by sbrothier
Rum has always tended to favor and flavor rebellion, from the pirates and buccaneers of the seventeenth century to the American Revolution onward. In addition, sugar and rum pretty much introduced globalization to a waiting world, tying together Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Caribbean in a complex alcoholic web of trade and credit. Not until oil was any single commodity so important for world trade. So it is not surprising that the Bacardi Corporation has become one of the world's first transnationals.

Une brève histoire de la lutte contre les pirates — CAVEAT EMPTOR

by damdec
Sujet: vous raconterez comment s’est organisée puis développée la lutte contre les pirates de musique et de film sur l’Internet. Vous rédigerez une conclusion sur la base de ces faits donnant votre sentiment.


Sea-Room's Music

by sbrothier
Chanteys, Shanties, Chants de marins

ANTI- Album - Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs and Chanteys

by sbrothier & 1 other
“The ocean: It’s all about the vast blue that engulfs two thirds of the planet. The human being cast against that abyss creates an interesting bit of perspective. I think the sailors of the time were dancing with death, and these were their tunes. They resonate with people on some internal level that is not immediately obvious because it’s not in our memory, it’s in our blood. It operates on a cellular level. It’s what makes us feel so alone.” -Gore Verbinski

Mapology: Mark Mahaffey Portfolio

by netimpulse
Un très bon créateur de cartes (Feast for Crows, Pirates...)

Dossier : les meilleurs films de pirates

by sbrothier
Il n'en fallait pas plus à la plume toujours aiguisée de Rafik Djoumi pour revenir sur la longue tradition des films de pirates au cinéma.

Les pirates au cinéma ~ 122 films référencés

by sbrothier
Aucune "Histoire du Film des Pirates" n'a été écrite à ce jour, mais je vais faire en sorte de parler dans ce site des films existants. Je vais sûrement en oublier, mais ceux ayant eu le plus de succès sont cités.

Aventures en mer

by sbrothier
consolider les connaissances acquises en 6e au sujet du texte narratif


Etsy :: Pirate search

by sbrothier
recherche sur le items "pirates" sur etsy

100 pirates in 100 days

by sbrothier
In September of this year I began my mission to draw one Pirate a day for 100 days straight, and today I cleaned up and uploaded Pirate number 100. I am mentally and physically exhausted. If this post is less than articulate it's because I have been up for many hours and my brain don't work properly. When I'm done posting this I am going to sleeeeeeeeeeeep. Still, It feels great to know I have finished on time or thereabouts. I uploaded the images to a flickr set, where you can view the images as a slide show, leave comments and so on. For the sake of consistency with the rest of this blog I've also put all the images behind the cut tag below, but that might take a while to load and my friend whose webspace I use will hate me, so don't say I didn't warn you! I should mention that since the drawings were originally commissioned for an online role-playing game, they depict not only pirates but the creatures whose world the pirates inhabit. I guess the title of this project might be slightly misleading, because a fish with a pirate hat on isn't strictly a pirate, but I hope no-one will hold that against me. I should also point out that I've ordered it so the first twenty or so are all the lowly skulking creatures and pirate children, the last 20 are the mighty warrior pirates, and then everything in between is everything in between. That's just so you don't get confused when you click the link expecting to see pirates and instead you see a bunch of fish wearing hats.

Pirate Image Archive

by alexnihilo & 1 other
Vieilles gravures de pirates, de bateaux de pirates, d'ile au trésor etc.

The Pirate's Life - Dead Men Tell No Tales

by sbrothier (via)
Today the black flag with skull-and-crossbones has been the A rare real pirate flag from the 19th century (Click for full image)stereotypical image of a pirate flag. However, real pirate flags were much more diverse in appearance and varied from individual pirate to pirate. Commonly known as the "Jolly Roger", the sight of the black flag hoisted on an approaching ship often caused enough fear in the targeted ship's crew that it was often reason enough for an immediate surrender to the pirates. Contrary to modern belief, the pirate's black flag generally only began widespread use in the late 1600's and early 1700's. Previous to this, pirates as a whole flew several different type of flags, ranging from standard national flags to solid colors (generally red or black.)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag Pirates

animation +   apple +   applies +   apps +   bank +   bd +   black +   blog +   books +   Cannon +   cinema +   coloriages +   combat +   comics +   education +   enfants +   euvs-content +   flickr +   fonts +   fumetti +   galerie +   games +   gn +   gobelins +   graphic resource +   gravures +   illustration +   illustrations +   illustrator +   illustrators +   ios +   ipad +   iphone +   iPod Touch +   kat +   kids +   lang:en +   lang:fr +   legend +   map +   Mirror +   music +   portfolio +   ressources +   sailing +   ship +   shop +   torrents +   typography +   +  

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