public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag 2G


Détecter les IMSI-catchers sur votre téléphone Android

by Giraultises (via)
AIMSICD est un logiciel pour android qui vous permet de scanner les antennes-relais qui vous entourent afin de savoir si celles ci sont de véritables antennes ou des valises IMSI-catcher. En analysant les signaux reçus par le téléphone, et en les comparant aux informations connues dans les cartographies de réseaux, cette application est capable de vous indiquer si votre mobile se connecte sur un réseau 2G sécurisé ou non. Ainsi, vous donner le niveau de confidentialité de vos communications. A partager...


drahtwerk consulting - iCamcorder

by nhoizey
Record smooth videos with high quality audio on your iPhone 2G/3G device, just like on the 3GS.


Free Online Backup, File and Folder Sync, Share

by ycc2106 & 5 others
SpiderOak offers a different approach to online backup by combining a suite of services into one consolidated tool - free online backup, synchronization, sharing, remote access, and storage. This difference is further measured in our zero-knowledge privacy policy - the first one ever employed in this setting. Our flexible design allows you to handle data from any operating system (Mac, Windows and Linux) or location (external drives, network volumes, USB keys, etc...) using just one centralized account.

Online Backup - IDrive - Encrypted, Secure and Automated!

by ycc2106 & 5 others
IDrive offers 2GB of free online backup space without any backup and restore restrictions or bandwidth limits or file type restrictions.

Online Backup - IDrive - Encrypted, Secure and Automated!

by ycc2106
IDrive offers 2GB of free online backup space without any backup and restore restrictions or bandwidth limits or file type restrictions.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag 2G

file +   free +   hosting +   no_login +   sharing +   storage +  

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last mark : 28/04/2015 20:54

last mark : 13/01/2010 08:45

last mark : 20/06/2009 08:03