public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from znarf with tag javascript

May 2005

Bookmarklets to User Scripts

by 3 others (via)
"a Greasemonkey script that lets you turn any bookmarklet into a Greasemonkey script"

April 2005

Greasemonkey compiler

by 28 others (via)
This site converts Greasemonkey user scripts into full-fledged Mozilla Firefox extensions.

Take Control with User JavaScript

"User JavaScript is available from Opera 8.0. It allows you to specify local JavaScript files for Opera to include on every page that you visit."

I have now started serious work on the site. While I am very aware of Jeremy Dunck’s effort with his, I still feel that there is room for a second site devoted to User JavaScript.

"next gen" bookmarklet

by 3 others
With this code, create "next generation" bookmarklets, remotely loaded , no length limitation.

by 1 other
experiments with DHTML, PHP, CSS, XML, ASSEMBLY ...

March 2005

SOA, AJAX and REST by Dare Obasanjo

by 2 others
"The Software Industry Devolves into the Fashion Industry"

JavaScript O Lait

by 7 others (via)
It's more than just a JavaScript library. The goal is to ease JavaScript development by building a library of reusable modules and components and enhancing JavaScript with simpler Class and Module handling mechanisms.

Opera 8 beta 3 introduces User JavaScript

by 1 other (via)
User JavaScript is a new feature that lets the user configure Opera to include a specific JavaScript library on all pages. Users who know JavaScript can write their own scripts and share them with others.

Ajax, promise or hype?

by 4 others (via)
the concept seems to be taking the Web development community by storm. This can mean one of two things: either it's a promise or it's a hype. To decide the case, I offer an annotated link dump.

Ajax… Or how an old idea needs new marketing.

by 1 other (via)
So the concepts have existed since the beginning of scripted webpages, well since Netscape 3 anyway. The idea isn’t new. So what took so long?

fadomatic - dhtml opacity effect

by 7 others (via)
Fadomatic is a class that provides cross-browser support (IE, Gecko, Safari) for some useful DHTML alpha-fade effects. In non-alpha-supporting browsers, it just toggles the element's visibility.

Mark Pilgrim's Greasemonkeys scripts

by 1 other (via)
Be sure to check the one called LIP (Link Integrity Preservation)

SAJAX - Simple Ajax Toolkit

by 49 others (via)
Sajax is a tool to make programming websites using the Ajax framework — also known as XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting — as easy as possible. Sajax makes it easy to call PHP functions from your webpages via JavaScript without performing a browser refresh.

February 2005

What's in a name? Ajax? How about Cadex?

by 1 other
Concerns like it's a "trademark of the Colgate-Palmolive company", and folks would "really hate to work on 'soap' full time".

Multipost Bookmarket Tool

by 79 others
Elsewhere I have described a JavaScript bookmarklet tool I cobbled so I can submit websites to multiple tracking sites. Maybe you too want to be able to do a one click submit to send sites to places like Furl or at the same time.