public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from yohoho

30 July 2005

29 July 2005

Thinking and Making

by 4 others
Best Practices: Implementing javascript for rich internet applications


by 161 others, 1 comment
Welcome to Browsershots, an open-source system for distributed automatic production of browser screenshots.

lilina news aggregator

by 17 others
lilina is a simple but powerful news aggregator written in PHP. No database is needed, RSS/ATOM parsing is done by the excelent MagpieRSS libra

ongoing ยท Atomic RSS

by 5 others
You can generate an RSS feed and, by following a few simple rules, be really sure that there's a 100%-equivalent Atom 1.0 feed, so that if you're generating both, they'll be in sync, and if you need to switch back and forth, it's just a matter of changing

27 July 2005

Google adds RSS reader to on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Google adds RSS reader to personalized homepage - not as elegant as My Yahoo, but it's a start

Indie music reviews with a nifty Ajax interface

Main Page - HughPage

by 1 other
This wiki is designed to give bloggers a place where they can centrally collate their links for whatever reason".

26 July 2005

Do it yourself free podcasting PHP script for sharing mp3s

PHP script to turn your folder of mp3s into a bonafide podcast.

25 July 2005

RBSoftware :: Web Tools for Mac OS X

a nice GUI for the Apple ChapterTool utility to make simply chaptered AAC file for your podcast.

yohoho's TAGS


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