public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tag script


Universal Encoding Detector: character encoding auto-detection in Python

by 1 other
Character encoding auto-detection in Python 2 and 3. As smart as your browser. Open source.

Emogrifier :: Pelago Sidecar Project :: convert CSS styles into inline style attributes

Emogrifier automagically transmogrifies your HTML by parsing your CSS and inserting your CSS definitions into tags within your HTML based on your CSS selectors. You can either use the form below to paste your HTML or CSS, or if you're more technically inclined, you can download the PHP source code and use it in your own applications.

OpenPastebin - collaborative debugging tool

Code-Snippet to URL service and uses OpenPaste to perform its function.


Perl script to create Mac OS X keyboard layouts The Perl script is intended to provide a quick way to create at least a first draft of an XML keyboard layout file (.keylayout) for Mac OS X version 10.2 or later. Further adjustment, either using an editor such as Ukelele or by hand-editing the resulting XML file, may often be helpful.




illustrator +indesign paging and layout scripts

Libraries - Opera Developer Community

by 1 other
Animation Base 64 Encoder Calendar Calendar Events Counter Feed Reader Graph Multi Page Help Scraper Tooltip

jQuery Star Rating Super Interface!

by 1 other
Here is my quick and dirty re-creation of a star rating plugin. This is a fully degradable plugin that creates the Star Rating interface based on a simple form structure.

Drag and drop

by 6 others
Here's a simple accessible drag and drop script. It works with both mouse and keyboard.

Breadcrumb CSS - Appleに習うパンくずデザインCSS - youmos

using a breadcrub class and images. 半透明のアルファチャンネルを持つPNGイメージを使う方法と、CSSでopacityを指定する方法のどちらでも同じようにデザインできます。IEはページ読み込み時のコンテ

FlickrScrapr - A PDF album generator from flickr

This XSL stylesheet takes as parameters a flickr user name (and optionally the name of a photoset of that user) and generates a photo album of the user's pictures. (.xml and .xsl files to download)


by 1 other
Click on a link and a gallery is generated with your Flickr photos. (.js and .css files to download) Chek out the examples!



In page ajax web stickies and more script: -PHP/ SQL database -Login system -Drag to move -resizable in all directions -In-Place Editing -Login system -Associates stickies with URL -Associates captions and annotations with image filenames. -Effects: Trans

inkBlots » Hacking RSS: The Threat is Real

I have decided to make some of my malicious RSS test scripts available to the community. NB: I'm bookmarking this as a test file, not for any malicious reason.


PHP client for the Flickr web service. It has functions that return the responses from Flickr's API in a meaningful way for PHP developers. It will also contain functions that aggregate data from multiple methods. Compatible with PHP4.


by 2 others
open source Flash image gallery that uses Flickr to manage the images. easily customizable via an XML file that describes the various options: which pictures or sets you'd like to display, if it should be as a slideshow, the colors, if there are thumbnail

Ryan J Lowe’s Dev Blog » Blog Archive » LITBox

by 3 others
LITBox 2.0 has just been released. This version of LITBox is basically a few modifications of Thickbox made into a Prototype class based off of the Scriptaculous.