public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tags javascript & lib



Underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides a lot of the functional programming support that you would expect in Prototype.js (or Ruby), but without extending any of the built-in JavaScript objects. It's the tie to go along with jQuery's tux. Collections each, map, reduce, detect, select, reject, all, any, include, invoke, pluck, max, min, sortBy, sortedIndex, toArray, size Arrays first, last, compact, flatten, without, uniq, intersect, zip, indexOf, lastIndexOf Functions bind, bindAll, delay, defer, wrap, compose Objects keys, values, extend, clone, isEqual, isElement, isArray, isFunction, isUndefined Utility noConflict, identity, uniqueId, template


The Form Assembly - wForms - A Javascript Extension to Web Forms - The Form Assembly (-)

wForms is an open-source, unobtrusive javascript library that adds commonly needed behaviors to traditional web forms without the need for any programming skill.

JSAN - Home

by 20 others
JavaScript Archive Network is a comprehensive resource for Open Source JavaScript libraries and software. JavaScript Archive Network is a comprehensive resource for Open Source JavaScript libraries and software.

overLIB - Homepage

overLIB is a JavaScript library created to enhance websites with small popup information boxes (like tooltips) to help visitors around your website. It can be used to provide the user with information about what will happen when they click on a link as we

JavaScript Archive Network

by 3 others
JavaScript Archive Network is a comprehensive resource for Open Source JavaScript libraries and software.

CSS event:Selectors

event:Selectors allow you to apply an event such as mouseover, mouseout, click, et al using a CSS style syntax. It keeps your layers separated and greatly reduces the amount of code you have to write.

AjaxTags: Home

by 14 others
The AJAX Tag Library is a set of JSP tags that simplify the use of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technology in JavaServer Pages.

jQuery: New Wave Javascript

by 77 others
jQuery is a Javascript library that takes this motto to heart: Writing Javascript code should be fun. jQuery acheives this goal by taking common, repetitive, tasks, stripping out all the unnecessary markup, and leaving them short, smart and understandable.