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PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tag japanese


jeKai Home Page

a group of volunteers throughout the world began creating an open, free, online Japanese-English dictionary. The form and content of the dictionary are decided by the participants in the project. Among its features are the following: * Definitions that explain the meaning of words as completely as possible * As many examples as possible of each word in real contexts * Photographs and other illustrations, especially for entries about uniquely Japanese things * No restrictions on the type or range of vocabulary * No restrictions on the length of entries The dictionary has been named jeKai (je海), pronounced "jay-kai" or ジェーカイ.

Denshi Jisho - Online Japanese dictionary

Denshi Jisho is an easy-to-use and powerful online Japanese dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji and example sentences by searching in many ways. The dictionaries are also interlinked so that you can check what the kanji in a word mean individually or what context a word can be used in. You can also look up kanji by the parts they contain. Denshi Jisho Bookmarklet. Select a Japanese word on a page, then click the bookmarklet to make a quick lookup on that word.

Ajax IME: Web-based Japanese Input Method

by 3 others
スの日本語入力サービスです。海外からでもブラウザさえあれば日本語を入力す ることができます。 特別なソフトは必要ありませ ローマ字を日本語に変換できる無料サイト

# ローマ字で単語を入力し、スペースを入力すると日本語に変換されます。 (例: ryokou ni kiteimasu. → 旅行に来ています。) # このページは長文作成用です。Google検索を行う場合は『Google検索モード』ページが便利です。 # 助詞『は』『を』『と』『に』等 はスペースで区切って入力します。(例: watashi ha ryokou ga sukidesu. → 私は旅行が好きです。)

aguse Gateway

aguse helps you investigate a website with only their URL to get detailed information such as their domain name, the grabbed top page image of the website, the server location, whether the website is blacklisted, the Webmaster details and more. Our analytical tool feature, MailBuster allows you to trace the senders of unwanted email, in particular spam or virus email.

EUdict | European dictionary

English-Croatian, Croatian-English, Enlish-Japanese (Kanji), Japanese (Kanji)-English, English-Chinese, Chinese-English, German-English, Japanese-English, English-Japanese, English-Polish, Polish-English, French-English, English-Spanish, English-German, Spanish-English, English-Swedish, Swedish-English, English-Indonesian, Indonesian-English, English-French, German-Spanish, Spanish-German, Japanese-French, French-Japanese, English-Italian, French-Croatian, Croatian-French, Spanish-Croatian, Italian-English, Croatian-Spanish, German-Italian, Italian-German, Croatian-Slovenian, Croatian-Czech, Hungarian-Croatian, Croatian-Hungarian, Czech-Croatian, Slovenian-Croatian, Dutch-Croatian, Italian-Croatian, German-Croatian, Croatian-German, English-Latin, Croatian-Dutch, Croatian-Italian, English-Norwegian, Norwegian-English, Latin-Croatian, Latin-English, Croatian-Latin English-Finnish and Finnish-English. Some of the words may be incorrectly translated or mistyped but no one is perfect.

translates to japanese > english until Equilibrium found

Dictionnaire multilingue Papillon Multilingual Dictionary パピヨン多言語電子辞典

Ce projet a pour but de créer une base lexicale multilingue comprenant entre autres l’allemand, l’anglais, le français, le japonais, le malais, le lao, le thaï, le vietnamien et le chinois. L’accès est gratuit pourvu que l’usage ne soit pas commercial (licence de logiciel libre). Notre projet, initié par des chercheurs en linguistique informatique, se veut utile et ouvert à la collaboration de toutes les personnes ayant un intérêt pour ces langues.



convert romaji to kanji

Easybabel - Japanese Virtual Keyboard

Virtual japanese keyboard with Kanji input


Open Japan - View Japanese on the Web

Open Japan allows you to view Japanese websites in any browser for when you don't have the fonts on your system. Just enter the URL of the website.

jBrowse -- Free Japanese Dictionary Browser Plugin

by 2 others
jBrowse is a free plugin for Microsoft Internet Explorer that can interpret Japanese web pages within your browser, inserting word definitions and furigana directly into a web page! jBrowse is also a full-featured Japanese dictionary and Kanji finder.

Kakasi web frontend

Converts web pages, between japanese characters (kanji, hiragana, katakana) and romaji (latin alphabets).

Hiragana Megane (How to Read Japanese) - Furigana

by 1 other
ふりがな - This system adds hiragana on the kanji.