public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from xibe with tag musique


in Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project

by 1 other

In Bb 2.0 is a collaborative music and spoken word project conceived by Darren Solomon from Science for Girls.

The videos can be played simultaneously -- the soundtracks will work together, and the mix can be adjusted with the individual volume sliders.

YouTube - Chunky Move's Mortal Engine

Joli, mais j'aime surtout la musique ("Theory of Machine", par Ben Frost, ).

Arcattack: Faraday Fun - Imperial March

by 1 other

Parsec Iron Clad, AKA Patrick, AKA Parsnips MonkeyClown builds and tests a new Faraday suit to the tune of the imperial march.

Y'a des tarés partout :)

Kutiman, Big Media, and the Future of Creative Entrepreneurship | 43 Folders

<blockquote><p>Because, this is what your new Elvis looks like, gang. And, eventually somebody will figure out (and publicly admit) that Kutiman, and any number of his peers on the “To-Sue” list, should be passed from Legal down to A&R.</p><p>Everybody knows the business has moved from legal to binary files. The question now is how much more lead time old media companies and other IP-obsessives can afford to burn by pretending it’s otherwise.</p></blockquote>

In search of the click track « Music Machinery


I’ve always been curious about which drummers use a click track and which don’t, so I thought it might be fun to try to build a click track detector

2008 - Shine On Me

Une vidéo intense, difficile à regarder jusqu'au bout : on se sent obligé de mettre sur pause toutes les 30 secondes pour se pincer, se frotter les yeux. Mais qu'est-ce que c'est drôle ! :)

MTV Music - Search

La recherche par réalisateur, ça tchue.

Ben Yates » How to Play Piano

Piano as a Second Instrument is a 30-page tutorial for beginning players and songwriters. It takes a relaxed approach, and gives you tools to create your own music. (It’s also free.)

YouTube - MyHope (original song)

How I hope that you forget your MySpace I hope it slips completely from your mind And I hope it stays up long enough for the next generation to find And I hope that it embarrasses your children I hope their bratty friends all forward it around And I hope that you forget your password So you cannot take it down : Most Unwanted Scrobbles

Classement des titres les plus souvent effacés par les utilisateurs :)

Les Inrocks: "Dis moi ce que tu écoutes je te dirai (vaguement) qui tu es"

"Un docteur en psychologie a demandé aux internautes de classer leurs goûts musicaux et de décrire leur personnalité. Résultat : il semblerait que les fans d'indie rock aient une faible estime d'eux mêmes, au contraire des amateurs de rap qui sont eux beaucoup plus sociables que les métalleux par exemple." (Objet video/quicktime)

Chaque vidéo présente une personne donnant une note. Toutes les vidéos sont utilisées ensuite pour faire une chorale. Sympa.

From the Basement: Neil Hannon

Superbe série de concerts, mis en son par Nigel Godrich.

The BPA - Toe Jam Featuring David Byrne & Dizze Rascal

Clip vidéo amusant, détournant la censure dans un but artistique. Je dis ça, c'est pour éviter qu'on me dise que je suis un pervers hein :)

YouTube - Heart - Crazy on you

L'intro à la guitare acoustique qui tchue un peu.

Big Ideas (Don't get any) on Vimeo

by 3 others
"Nude" de Radiohead joué via un ZX Spectrum, une imprimante, un scanner, un osciloscope, un ensemble de disques-durs... "Based on the lyric (and alternate title) "Big Ideas: Don't get any" I grouped together a collection of old redundant hardware, and placed them in a situation where they're trying their best to do something that they're not exactly designed to do, and not quite getting there. "


by 1 other
"LastGraph lets you explore your listening history."

Image of Most Listened Artists 2006

Via Matt Haughey: "nice visualization by a mefi member".

YouTube - Melodyne - Direct Note Access

"A pioneering technology that makes the impossible possible: edit individual notes within chords and polyphonic audio material! Yes, audio, not MIDI. " YouTube = music tv goodness

"This is a mashup of and YouTube made by Tim Bormans. It’s best described as an online music television based on your taste."


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