public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from willf with tag swing

December 2009

The Negotiable Golf Swing: How to Improve Your Game Without Picture-Perfect Form (Hardcover)

A debatable golf pitch is a concordant agreement of a most slight alternatives that, whilst not adapting to a mechanism models of a undiluted golf swing, can still duty really good to get a pursuit done. By identifying as good as organizing thes...

Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf (Paperback)

Review Ben Hogan’s grounds in this 1957 classical is driven home in confidant letters: “THE AVERAGE GOLFER IS ENTIRELY CAPABLE OF BUILDING A REPEATING SWING AND BREAKING 80.” Religions have been founded upon less, as ...

November 2009

Intech Beta Ti Golf Balls (36 Pack)

Enjoy debate opening each time we step upon the march with the Intech Beta Ti golf balls. This 36-pack of Beta Ti balls offers such facilities as the Surlyn cover, 432 cavity technology, as well as the two-piece construction. The star of the sho...

August 2009

Head Liquidmetal 4 Tennis Racquet

The Head Liquidmetal 4 still offers a little of a tranquil feel of Head’s player’s racquets, though with a some-more inclined to forgive sweetspot as well as significantly lighter weight. More inclined to forgive than a Liquidmetal 2, ...

Berlin, Berlin, Sie fahren nach Berlin! - Hamburger Abendblatt

Berlin, Berlin, Sie fahren nach Berlin!Hamburger AbendblattDie drei Swing-Country-Grazien Kitty, Daisy & Lewis supporten in basement USA derzeit die Megaband Coldplay – und am 22. Aug The BossHoss in der Wuhlheide! …Gewinne: The Bo...

July 2009

Swingyde Golf Swing Training Aid

Swingyde is lightweight, unstable as well as easy to insert to your club. This elementary as well as in effect precision device reduces improper wrist hinging for some-more distance, correctness as well as control. (more…)