public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from willf with tag linebackers

May 2010

New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton deflects lawsuit questions

METAIRIE, La. — Sean Payton quietly took questions Saturday about a legal box opposite a New Orleans Saints, observant he “appreciated” a seductiveness in a box which alleges an try to cover up medication drug thefts during bar headqu...

March 2010

In safety move, NFL to reposition umpires in offensive backfield

ORLANDO — The NFL will henceforth reposition umpires to a descent backfield commencement with a arriving 2010 season, in a pierce written to strengthen a many exposed on-field officials, a joining reliable Sunday during a annual owners meetings. ...

January 2010

Mike Nolan lands as Miami Dolphins' defensive coordinator; Sheridan to coach inside linebackers

Fewer than twenty-four hours after bursting from the Denver Broncos, Mike Nolan was hired by the Miami Dolphins to be their brand new defensive coordinator. Nolan replaces Paul Pasqualoni, who was dismissed after the Dolphins’ 7-9 season. They au...