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PUBLIC MARKS from willf with tags funny & television

11 March 2010

Conan O'Brien announces stage tour dates (UPI)

LOS ANGELES, Mar eleven (UPI) — Comedian Conan O’Brien voiced dates for the fibre of North American theatre shows called “Conan: The Legally Prohibited From Being Funny upon Television Tour.”

Conan O'Brien sets dates for 'The Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television Tour' (Los Angeles Times)

Billing his live shows as “a night of music, comedy, hugging as well as a occasional ungainly silence,” replaced stand up comic Conan O’Brien upon Thursday denounced a dates of his 30-city prime tour.

04 March 2010

SNL Presidents Reunion Staged by Funny or Die - Associated Content

Washington Post SNL Presidents Reunion Staged by Funny or Die Associated ContentAn SNL presidents reunion would have been the large eventuality for the show. However, the new SNL presidents reunion was not for television. …Funny or Die Pre...