public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from willf with tag "Leg Kick"

November 2009

DVD WORLD: UFC 43 Meltdown Review, pt. 1: Reviews and Ramifications of Each ... - MMATorch

MMATorch DVD WORLD: UFC 43 Meltdown Review, pt. 1: Reviews as well as Ramifications of Each …MMATorchBoth guys have been still throwing hands here as well as Rizzo lands the infamous left poke right offshoot combo which stuns Tra Telligman. R...

September 2009

Starting 9 -- Deadline deals

A month isn’t unequivocally many time to consider the trade. But when we have usually dual months to see either the understanding is portion the dictated purpose, 4 weeks will have to suffice. Scott Rolen, Orlando Cabrera, Jerry Hairston, Jack Wi...