public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from willf with tag "Fearsome Foursome"

12 March 2010 02:00

Football and TV star Merlin Olsen dies aged 69 (Reuters via Yahoo! News)

Football star incited actress Merlin Olsen, who was the pass part of of the Los Angeles Rams’ defensive line nicknamed the “Fearsome Foursome,” died during the age of 69 upon Thursday after the conflict with cancer.

11 March 2010 23:00

Fearsome Foursome's Merlin Olsen Has Died

Fearsome Foursome's Merlin Olsen Has Died Pro football Hall of Famer Merlin Olsen has upheld divided during the age of 69. A 14-time Pro Bowler with the Rams, Olsen was diagnosed final year with the singular form of cancer. (March 11) Fr...