public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tsalon with tags politics & HongKong

13 July 2004

22 June 2004

19 June 2004

09 June 2004

Asia Times Online: Hong Kong's Red Shadows

the chinese communist party in Hong Kong

31 May 2004

Yahoo! 新聞 - 不滿封咪政治爭拗 首次參加者大增


Yahoo! 新聞 - 六四遊行 人數倍增 政治低氣壓 激發上街


30 May 2004

28 May 2004

27 May 2004

Yahoo! 新聞 - 400學者聯署關注言論自由

一批大學教授發起「言論自由亮紅燈, 我們決不能坐視」簽名運動

25 May 2004

The Gweilo Diaries: Easily Pleased

10.7% of Hong Kongers remain satisfied with the performance of the current local government while 27.7% approve of Beijing's Hong Kong policies.

24 May 2004