public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tsalon with tags china & HongKong

August 2005

June 2005

Who is behind the incident of Ching Cheong? | Chatter Garden

While the China government told a story of spy without providing any substantial evidence, we could take this incident as a political conflict within the government.

Michael DeGolyer: They've got the message

explains why people stop protesting on June 4th anniversary

May 2005

April 2005

獨立媒體 (香港) :: 拿出你的日貨來!重貼附圖片說明!

any activity started by a Hong Kong artist to raise public awareness of interdependence

March 2005

獨立媒體 (香港) :: BBC的《質問時刻》----香港與臺灣問題部分


扩深港发展空间 政协委员提议深圳纳入香港

if this is true, it will be a very big news

January 2005

November 2004


國 內 網民 正 在 利 用 網 絡 媒 體的 非 中 心 性 、 個 人 自發 、 難 以 受 管 理 、 高速 等 特 點 , 努力 實 現言 論 自 由 與 民 主 , 與其 他 國 家 看 齊

獨立媒體 (香港) :: 另類媒體與價值(之二)

Reflections on visual culture in hong kong and its impact on china

October 2004


Hi-radio's experience of internet censorship

September 2004

Zeng Qinghong winner of Legco elections

In last year's local district elections, the pro-Beijing group suffered a major defeat. So if he stumbled again this time, his leadership would be called into serious question.