public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tag yoga

August 2007

Yoga Poses For Beginning Yoga Students

Yoga means to unite is a form of exercises that harmonizes the body, mind and soul with the universe. If you are inexperienced to any kind of exercises, especially yoga and want to start learning yoga, it is best to start with yoga poses which are spec...

July 2007

How To Deal With Stress

Dealing with stress is one of the most indispensable skills of modern life. The pace of life these days -- instant communication via the Internet and phone, and the speed people can get around -- is unprecedented, and it is not surprising that many peo...

June 2007

The Purpose of Yoga - Accepting Change

There is a need for us to accept changes, but not at the cost of compromising our ethics. This is a \"tough call\" because, as times, change morality can change to. What is acceptable today was forbidden yesterday, but the opposite can be said, if we l...

The Purpose of Yoga - Accepting Change

There is a need for us to accept changes, but not at the cost of compromising our ethics. This is a \"tough call\" because, as times, change morality can change to. What is acceptable today was forbidden yesterday, but the opposite can be said, if we l...

The Purpose of Yoga - Accepting Change

There is a need for us to accept changes, but not at the cost of compromising our ethics. This is a \"tough call\" because, as times, change morality can change to. What is acceptable today was forbidden yesterday, but the opposite can be said, if we l...

Practicing Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Find out what the eight limbs of yoga have to do with ashtanga vinyasa yoga. We also discuss ashtanga\'s distinctive form of breathing, and provide an overview of the practice itself.

The Purpose of Yoga - Finding Yourself

Some people claim to find themselves after practicing Yoga faithfully - but how can this be? Yoga is an art of living. In fact, Yoga is a 5,000 year old archive of solutions for the many forms of suffering, which plague mankind.

Yoga, Dogma, And Faith

Can Christians practice yoga? This article explores what yoga exercises really do, and seeks to rectify some of the misunderstandings around the subject.

May 2007

Who Should Become a Yoga Teacher?

Lately, there has been a fuss over who has a right to become a Yoga teacher; but let\'s look at some of the variables to consider if you desire to teach Yoga. Consider the following questions, \"from both sides of the Yoga certification debate.\"

Who Should Become a Yoga Teacher?

Lately, there has been a fuss over who has a right to become a Yoga teacher; but let\'s look at some of the variables to consider if you desire to teach Yoga. Consider the following questions, \"from both sides of the Yoga certification debate.\"

Can Too Much Stretching Cause Low Back Pain?

Examines the link between overstretching and sacroiliac syndrome.

Benefits Of Bikram Yoga Poses

Is Bikram yoga suitable for you? Find out what makes it different, and whether people who are pregnant or with illnesses can do it.

The Purpose of Yoga - Problem Solving Skills

The most common reaction to any problem is to say, \"Why me?\" This is a normal response to the many problems, which overwhelm us. If you could handle every problem calmly, without anxiety, and make the best decisions \"under fire,\" all the time, you ...

Practice Jnana Yoga for Optimum Mental Health

Anyone who cares about their health often focuses on keeping his or her body in peak condition. Who considers the health of the mind? A psychiatrist or a psychologist is concerned with behavior, and mental health, but how can Yoga help you?

April 2007

The Emotional Side To Health

If you are not able to be emotionally healthy, your emotions will drastically effect your health in many great ways.As you get older, it is important that you are able to be in a good state when it comes to your mental health, as well.

March 2007

Will Yoga Help Weight Loss?

Are You Having Problems with Your Weight? Have You Thought Of Trying Yoga to Burn Off Those Stubborn Calories? Find Out Why it IS the Most Effective Option...

Will Yoga Help Weight Loss?

Are You Having Problems with Your Weight? Have You Thought Of Trying Yoga to Burn Off Those Stubborn Calories? Find Out Why it IS the Most Effective Option...

February 2007

Exhance Your Yoga Experience With The Latest Gear

One of the great advantages of persuing yoga is that it doesn't require much in the way of gear.

Yoga Equipment - Beyond Your Body

When it comes to practicing yoga, your body is actually the number one piece of equipment that you will need.

Yoga Can Be Intimidating - First Time Experiences

If you are very nervous about taking a yoga class for the first time, you should not despair.

Yoga Can Be Intimidating - First Time Experiences

If you are very nervous about taking a yoga class for the first time, you should not despair.

Yoga Can Be Intimidating - First Time Experiences

If you are very nervous about taking a yoga class for the first time, you should not despair.

Yoga Can Be Intimidating - First Time Experiences

If you are very nervous about taking a yoga class for the first time, you should not despair.

January 2007

Health Benefits of Yoga - Mind and Body

by 2 others
If you practice yoga, then you know that it allows the mind to work together with the body to promote healing and well-being. Yoga can do wonders for a body that is in good or bad shape.