public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tag marriage

September 2007

Winter Honeymoon Destinations

Though most people imagine their wedding as something that happens in spring or summer, a winter wedding can be just as beautiful But of course, with winter weddings come winter honeymoon destinations, and the advent of colder weather and snow means n...

Honeymoon Ideas

Weddings take plenty of planning, and the honeymoon planning might be neglected with so many other people to take care of for the big day The wedding and the parties before and after usually include many people

August 2007

Train Your Children to Succeed in Marriage

Even if your child marries young, his or her marriage isn\'t doomed to failure. Just teach your children this important person, and you\'ll have taken great steps toward helping their marriages succeed.

3 Ways a Man Leaves His Family Open to Satan's Attack

It\'s easy for Satan to destroy a home -- he just has to distract its leader. Pay attention to these attention-thieves if you want to keep your home safe from attack.

July 2007

Love, An Unbreakable Force

Good sense of humor, hard working, has a good job, loves kids and dogs, likes to build and fix things, loves to cook, nice smile, hair and at least a semi-nice body. Once again I found myself looking through the personals on the internet.

Love, An Unbreakable Force

Good sense of humor, hard working, has a good job, loves kids and dogs, likes to build and fix things, loves to cook, nice smile, hair and at least a semi-nice body. Once again I found myself looking through the personals on the internet.

Marriage, What's The Point

The princess looked into the loving eyes of her prince. She melted into his arms of love. Love that was built by God and held together by God. Marriage that is made strong by conquering the difficulties in the world with God\'s help so they could li...

June 2007

Marriage and Divorce: Like Peas and Carrots

More than ever it seems that couples are getting married with the understanding that \"if things don\'t work out there is always divorce\".

May 2007

Joint Investing Important Financial Questions to Answer Before Marriage

Marriage is on of the most important decisions you will make in your life. If you are lucky enough to have found someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, make sure you take the steps to ensure your marriage success. The first question that...

April 2007

Marriage, What's The Point

The princess looked into the loving eyes of her prince. She melted into his arms of love. Love that was built by God and held together by God. Marriage that is made strong by conquering the difficulties in the world with God\'s help so they could li...

Getting Married? Get Your Finances Together!

Asians give importance to marriage. But marriage means a huge expense to them as well. This article explains on how to escape from marriage expenses through proper planning

February 2007

Consequences of Unresolved Conflicts: Relationship and Projection

by 1 other
Relationships are often more complex than we think they are or wish them to be. Relationships, especially intimate relation, brings out many of our unmet needs, anxieties, and unresolved conflicts with individuals from our past, parents, caretakers, fr...

Consequences of Unresolved Conflicts: Relationship and Projection

Relationships are often more complex than we think they are or wish them to be. Relationships, especially intimate relation, brings out many of our unmet needs, anxieties, and unresolved conflicts with individuals from our past, parents, caretakers, fr...

Intriguing Your Lover...Again

by 1 other
Changing little things in your routine can have a big impact on your sex life!

Everything About Plus Size Bridesmaid Dress

Having problems fitting into a normal size bridesmaid dress? Read more to learn the is no problem that can\'t be fixed.

How Debt Management Saved My Marriage

by 1 other
Getting married when already thousands of pounds in debt put enormous strain on our marriage. Having a debt management plan was the best thing we did and undoubtedly saved our marriage.

January 2007

Football Widows

Does your husband abanndon you on Superbowl Sunday? Here's what you can do to not be a football widow!

Football Widows

Does your husband abanndon you on Superbowl Sunday? Here's what you can do to not be a football widow!

Understanding Why Marriages Fail Can Save Yours

Today about half of all marriages end in divorce with many of those not even making it to the first anniversary. We can discover the reasons these marriages failed and use that information to safeguard our own marriages.

How To Choose A Diamond For An Engagement Ring

Congratulations, you are in the market for a diamond engagement ring. The average consumer may need to rely much upon his jewelry store clerk unless research is done before hand.

How To Choose A Diamond For An Engagement Ring

by 1 other
Congratulations, you are in the market for a diamond engagement ring. The average consumer may need to rely much upon his jewelry store clerk unless research is done before hand.

What Are The Desires Of Your Woman's Heart?

This is the easiest explaination of what your woman\'s truly wants from you. This article teaches men how to finally get what she has been trying to them for years.

What Does Your Man Need From You?

Happy is the man whose woman understands and meets the deep longings of his heart. It really can be this simple. Read this powerful relationship article.

Is Your Marriage in Danger?

Your marriage might be in real trouble (more than you suspect) if you have even 3 of these 11 danger signs...