public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tags loans & consolidation

July 2007

Debt Consolidation - A Pattern For Life?

When people start getting in debt up to their ears, most start thinking about ways to get out of it. Of course, this is natural and to be expected. Unfortunately, though, many do not go far enough.

Consumers Have 'Fear' Over Finances

Millions of Britons suffer from money fear, according to a new study.

'Thousands Wasted' Through Unnecessary Clothes Shopping

Britons debt consolidation problems are potentially being exacerbated through unnecessary shopping, new figures indicate.

Five Keys To Effective Debt Consolidation

There are many debt consolidation programs out there. Many simply want to take some more of your hard-earned money and may simply provide you with a minimum of services.

Base Rate Rise 'Necessary'

Interest rates need to go up next week, a leading economic expert has warned.

June 2007

Consolidate Loans And Eliminate Debt

Consolidated loans are often the answer to financial stress. As a result of the high cost of living, poor budgeting, and the availability of buying on time, many Americans soon find themselves struggling to meet each month\'s financial obligations.

February 2007

Getting a Loan with Bad Credit

Consolidating your debt has many benefits. Getting a loan with bad credit can be easier than you think!

January 2007

Joint Loan Application Tips

Although most married couples are eligible to apply for a joint loan, they are not right for everyone

Innocent Persons' Credit Can Be Crashed By Identity Theft

Identity theft encompasses a variety of crimes, from stealing someone's credit card number to opening accounts in the victim's name. About 15 percent of victims report that their identities were stolen for purposes other than obtaining credit,

Avoiding Loan Delinquency

If your delinquency is threatening to end up with you in default, then seek help from your lender or a financial advisor