public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tag lawyers

07 March 2007

Finding Cheap Bankruptcy Lawyers For You

If you are in a serious and genuine financial problem, the right thing to do is file for bankruptcy. But before you do that you would have to find yourself a cheap bankruptcy lawyer who can explain to you all the finer points of the new law and can get...

03 February 2007

Role of Lawyers - The Basics

The legal system affects nearly every aspect of our society and lawyers assume great importance by constituting the backbone of the system of law interpretation and enforcement. Their responsibility is also very great and they need to follow a strict c...

18 January 2007

Gorilla in the Courtroom: When Jurors Go Blind

Why do people fail to notice things that are right in front of them? How lawyers can prevent jurors from doing this.

troubledblogger's TAGS related to tag lawyers

attorneys +   bankruptcy +   choosing +   court +   courtroom +   credit +   filing +   finding +   judge +   jury +   lawyer +   legal +   legal+advice +   legal+system +   process +   service +