public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tag kids

August 2007

Homeschooling - Why Should You Homeschool?

by 1 other
Why should you homeschool? Why you opt to do so, or not, is a personal choice; those who choose to do so have many different reasons...

Educational Games for Kids (And the Rest of the Family)

Are you looking for educational games for kids and the rest of the family? There are many board games and card games that are geared toward family fun and are educational at the same time.

July 2007

Educational Bible Games for Kids - Let Your Children Have Fun While Learning

Many parents are constantly worrying about the influences in the lives of their kids, especially with the world that we live in. However you can combat these influences by making sure that you give your kids a Biblical grounding when they are young.

Getting Your Kids Involved In Your Home Business

When you have children it is often hard to justify being away from them for very long. This is why a lot of people turn to home business, because they can make their own hours and this means that they can be there for their children as they grow.

How To Help Kids Cope With Nightmares

It can be a concern for parents when their kids have nightmares or bad dreams. Joss Daly explains what parents can do to help their kids cope.

June 2007

Raising a Computer Savvy Kid

Reasons why your child needs to know about technology and computers

Video Games and Your Child: Tips For Parents

Quite often, parents will take a negative attitude toward video games without taking the time to inform themselves of the games their children are playing, or even bothering to learn what video games ratings actually mean.

Kids Crafts Ideas on a Budget

Using items that you have at home to come up with kids crafts ideas

May 2007

Tips For Buying And Installing A Swing Set In Your Backyard

Children are not playing outside as much as they did many years ago. Now they are too busy playing video games, watching television, or surfing the internet.

Learning Should Begin At Home

No matter what type of schooling you choose, the key is involvement and participation.

February 2007

Teaching Good Manners To Kids Is Not That Hard

We all have experienced one or more incidents of children crying and whining while their mothers have been searching the department store for that "fabulous" pair of shoes they saw on a television show.

Have Fun with Your Kids

It is time to stop hearing that phrase "I am bored" again. Although some days it looks like you have no energy left to devote to your kids , it is important for you to remember that these are the times that they will later cherish in their memory.

Swimming Pool Safety Covers and Accessory Advice For Kids

A swimming pool can be a very dangerous place at any age, but is especially hazardous when children are involved.

January 2007

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Fish

by 1 other
With all the evidence supporting the healthy benefits of eating fish, it seems almost like abuse not to feed your children fish on a regular basis.

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Fish

With all the evidence supporting the healthy benefits of eating fish, it seems almost like abuse not to feed your children fish on a regular basis.

Yoga for Kids: Building Self-Image (Part 1)

Let\'s look at the positive aspects for children within a typical Kids Yoga class. Although, Yoga is a vast subject, and there are a number of topics to discuss; children are better off being taught to focus on four components within a Hatha Yoga class.

Protecting Your Kids Online

There are many things parents can do and need to do in order to keep their children safe online.

The Truth about Karate for Kids - Part 2

This section covers two extremely valuable life skills that many adults pay a \"king\'s ransom\" to attain. Adults pay a life coach, business coach, or read plenty of self-improvement books, to gain this knowledge and develop these life skills. However...

December 2006

How To Teach Your Kids To Cook

If you\'re ready to teach your kids how to cook, here are some simple tips for teaching them the basics, and giving them skills that will last them a lifetime!