public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tag investment

August 2007

The Internet Business Promoter

An internet business promoter is a program that can help you attain higher page rankings on search engines.

July 2007

Remodeling Projects That Add Value

We would all like to spruce up our homes, but not all remodeling projects are equal or even close when it comes to resale value. Here\'s what works from the resale experts.

Hedge Funds Growth Open Doors To New Financing Options

by 1 other
According to a recent study of financing options for hedge funds by Standard

Costa Blanca or Cost a Fortune?

by 1 other
Is making the decision to move abroad one that will be cost effective? Will your investment work for you and how easy is it to find property and successfully navigate the foreign property buying process? A personal approach to finding the information y...

Run the Numbers Before Buying an Investment Property

Before buying an investment property it is a good idea to understand the different costs associated with owning a rental property to get an accurate idea about what your monthly cash flow will be. This article discusses how to run the numbers on an in...

May 2007

Three Keys to Knowing if You Should Diversify

Diversification can be a complicated process. Knowing if and when you diversify is an even trickier endeavor. When all is said and done choosing to diversify is based on three simple things : time, money, and desired return. There are three types of in...

February 2007

Understanding Emotions!

by 1 other
How do emotions affect investment? How to get around this issue?

Understanding Emotions!

How do emotions affect investment? How to get around this issue?

Is Remodeling An Investment?

The simpler answer is yes! Whether you consider it to be an investment for your own family's pleasure or a necessary expense in order to increase your property's selling price and your return on investment, remodeling your place is certainly a venture ...

Difference Between Paper Trading And Live Trading!

Both paper trading and live trading are important steps to accumulate wealth through stock investments.

Hidden Investment Risks!

Every investment has risks that are obvious and risks that are hidden.

Three Ways To Make Residual Income

There are three different ways to earn residual income. Residual income is income that a person earns again and again for something they do once....

January 2007

Turn Good Debt Into Assets!

How to use good debt to build assets and pay for bad debt?

Probability And Investment!

How to increase the odds of your stock investment winning by using probability.

How To Find The Right Real Estate Agent In Cyprus

Looks at the way to find a real estate agent in Cyprus

Desirable Qualities In Diamonds

by 1 other
Precious stones in general are rare and a perfect one is rarely ever found. Gems for the most part are at a safe stock. The public is beginning to realize and want to understand the finer qualities of precious stones.

Desirable Qualities In Diamonds

Precious stones in general are rare and a perfect one is rarely ever found. Gems for the most part are at a safe stock. The public is beginning to realize and want to understand the finer qualities of precious stones.

Desirable Qualities In Diamonds

Precious stones in general are rare and a perfect one is rarely ever found. Gems for the most part are at a safe stock. The public is beginning to realize and want to understand the finer qualities of precious stones.

Diamond Damage And Repair

Repairing and recutting a diamond does not happen often, but it does to diamonds that have been damaged or those that were not well made when originally cut.

Diamonds, Larger Size Or Better Cut?

The jewelry store must decide if it is going to try to sell the customer a well cut stone or a larger carat, poorly cut stone for the same price. This is a dilemma for dealers to consider. From a fair business standpoint it is important to explain to t...

How To Choose A Diamond For An Engagement Ring

Congratulations, you are in the market for a diamond engagement ring. The average consumer may need to rely much upon his jewelry store clerk unless research is done before hand.

How To Choose A Diamond For An Engagement Ring

by 1 other
Congratulations, you are in the market for a diamond engagement ring. The average consumer may need to rely much upon his jewelry store clerk unless research is done before hand.

Diamond Cutting And The Effect On Value

by 1 other
Rough diamonds come in several basic shapes. The most common shape is in the form known as an octahedron. The octahedron resembles two Egyptian pyramids placed base to base, that is the usual crystal form of a diamond.

Diamond Cutting And The Effect On Value

Rough diamonds come in several basic shapes. The most common shape is in the form known as an octahedron. The octahedron resembles two Egyptian pyramids placed base to base, that is the usual crystal form of a diamond.