public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tag hoodia

July 2007

Hoodia: A Help Or Hindrance In Losing Weight?

It seems that every week we hear about a new miracle drug or herbal supplement that promises to help us lose weight without having to starve ourselves or do massive amount of sit-ups. Hoodia is one of the latest of these types of supplements. But what ...

Free Hoodia? What You Should Know Before Trying A Free Hoodia Sample

Want to try Hoodia for free? There are many free Hoodia samples on the market - but are they all they\'re cracked up to be? Here\'s what you need to know before trying a free sample offer.

3 Easy Ways To Lose Weight

Is there an easy way to lose weight? Find out why weight loss doesn\'t have to be so hard and get 3 easy ways to lose weight.

Hoodia: A Help Or Hindrance In Losing Weight?

It seems that every week we hear about a new miracle drug or herbal supplement that promises to help us lose weight without having to starve ourselves or do massive amount of sit-ups. Hoodia is one of the latest of these types of supplements. But what ...

June 2007

Evolution Of Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pills

Hoodia Gordonii is a unique plant, which has long been consumed by the indigenous San Bushmen to ward off hunger cravings, suppress the appetite and feel fine without food or water for more than twenty-five thousand years.

May 2007

Lose Weight By Ditching the Junk

Your house may be making you fat! Lose weight by ditching the junk and changing a couple of things in your routine.

All About Hoodia

Learn about the popular new diet supplement Hoodia.

All About Hoodia

Learn about the popular new diet supplement Hoodia.

A Personal Hoodia Gordonii Weight Loss Experience

Weight loss and keeping reasonably healthy is something we all have to work at. The majority of us are just normal folk and unable to devote 8 hours a day to getting the perfect Abs or perfect Butt. Most diet and health related stories you read onl...

January 2007

Words Create An Attitude

Using a personal pronoun is powerful stuff, because not only are you claiming ownership, you are training your subconscious mind to believe that you can not let go.

Words Create An Attitude

Using a personal pronoun is powerful stuff, because not only are you claiming ownership, you are training your subconscious mind to believe that you can not let go.

Shedding Unwanted Weight

Today we eat foods that are processed and contain more fat and chemicals than nutrition. To top it off, we also live sedentary lives.

Shedding Unwanted Weight

Today we eat foods that are processed and contain more fat and chemicals than nutrition. To top it off, we also live sedentary lives.

The Problems With Hoodia Gordonii - the "Miracle Weight Loss Supplement"

by 1 other
Hoodia may be slightly useful in causing an additional calorie deficit since about half of the calorie deficit you obtain should be through decreased calories and the other half through increased physical activity.

The Problems With Hoodia Gordonii - the "Miracle Weight Loss Supplement"

by 1 other
Hoodia may be slightly useful in causing an additional calorie deficit since about half of the calorie deficit you obtain should be through decreased calories and the other half through increased physical activity.

Hoodia Gordinii - 3 Reasons To Try Hoodia Instead of Diet Pills

What\'s so great about Hoodia Gordinii? Discover 3 reasons why Hoodia is better than any diet pill for helping you lose weight quickly and safely.