public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tags health & yoga

11 January 2007 02:00

The Perseverance of Teaching Yoga (Part 2)

If I visualize becoming a Yoga teacher without any action, then this is just a \"pipe dream.\" You would be better off to dream in your sleep and take action while you are awake.

11 January 2007 01:00

Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga (Part 2)

Which would you prefer to be: A rich Yoga Guru or poor Yoga Guru? There are two financial paths for Yoga teachers to follow.

How to Teach Yoga in the Corporate Marketplace (Part 2)

This prepares you when you talk to the public about what you do. To state: \"I teach Yoga classes,\" is not enough of an explanation - if the person you talk to has a mental picture of Yoga as just a bunch of pretzel poses, displayed by show-offs.

Yoga in Practice: A Peaceful Planet

Non-practitioners often accuse Yoga practitioners of too much self-indulgence. The common concern is that too much self-awareness will cause the Yogi, or Yogini, to worship the inner being. Before you get too excited - you and I know this is not true, ...

Yoga in Practice: Ten Solutions for Depressed Yoga Students (Part 2)

As you know, anyone can feel a little depressed now and then - Yoga students are no different. Here are more methods to help Yoga students with mild forms of depression.

Yoga for Kids: Building Self-Image (Part 1)

Let\'s look at the positive aspects for children within a typical Kids Yoga class. Although, Yoga is a vast subject, and there are a number of topics to discuss; children are better off being taught to focus on four components within a Hatha Yoga class.

The Truth about Options for Yoga Teachers (Part 6)

We know that Yoga training helps people in every aspect of health. However, Partner Yoga integrates Yoga with touch, bonding, and sometimes, a bit of humor.

Protecting Your Yoga Teaching Business

When or if, you want to become a Yoga teacher - would you be thinking of litigation and Yoga? The old saying, \"the truth hurts,\" applies to legality, ethics, and teaching Yoga. You can always \"bury your head in the sand\" and hope that you are never...

The Truth about Options for Yoga Teachers (Part 8)

Let\'s summarize and \"recycle\" a few points in the previous pages about options for Yoga teachers, who may be considering specialization. These are not all of the options for Yoga teacher\'s, to consider, when thinking about how to find employment \"...

10 January 2007 22:00

Yoga in Practice: Helping Negative People - Part 2

No wonder the divorce rates are so high in some cultures. It is because no one wants to give, forgive, or try to understand anyone including their wife, husband, or family members.

Yoga is Self Improvement

There are many different types of Yoga, but all of them contribute to mankind\'s self-improvement. So, mankind has been a work in progress for thousands of years and has organized systems to constantly improve.

10 January 2007 21:00

Secrets of Successful Yoga Studios

Each Yoga studio should be a haven for students to find what they seek, without putting up with inferior service. They face far too much of it, outside the Yoga class. You should know the needs of your students and promise only what you can deliver.

Yoga Teachers Lead by Example - Part 1

During the course of a lifetime, most of us have heard the saying,\" Do as I say, not as I do.\" We see this kind of leadership everywhere we go. All politicians, religious leaders, police, sports professionals, parents, academic teachers, and Yoga tea...

A World of Infinite Opportunities

There is enough opportunity for everyone. This should be your mantra: Observe your competition, learn from their mistakes, and when possible, copy their success.