public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tags health & dieting

June 2007

Drink to a Better Future: Drink Cabernet and Live a Longer and Healthier Life

More and more studies are showing that you should not stop having wine at dinner when dieting, because there are too many significant long-term health benefits and they outweigh the mere calorie intake. In fact, wine might even be considered the new he...

5 Steps To A Better Body That Anyone Can Take

If only there were a \'better body boot camp\', we\'d be there every April - before spring started to show itself and those lovely winter jackets had to come off. Although this isn\'t a better body boot camp, this article can offer you 5 practical ste...

February 2007

Beyond Dieting: How to Keep the Weight Off For Good

For many people the hardest part about dieting is not losing weight but keeping the weight off. The reason for this is because many people fall back into their old habits of eating not long after their diets have ended and become afflicted with yo-yo d...

Beyond Dieting: How to Keep the Weight Off For Good

by 1 other
For many people the hardest part about dieting is not losing weight but keeping the weight off. The reason for this is because many people fall back into their old habits of eating not long after their diets have ended and become afflicted with yo-yo d...

January 2007

How To Easily And Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can kill you and very often you don't even know that you have it because you don't really feel the effects so readily.

Cabbage Soup Diet - What Is It?

by 1 other
I often hang out in online weight loss and fitness forums, reading and answering questions. On of the the questions that I answer most is "What is the Cabbage Soup Diet?". Some of the common questions about this diet are: Is there really a Cabbage ...

Cabbage Soup Diet - What Is It?

I often hang out in online weight loss and fitness forums, reading and answering questions. On of the the questions that I answer most is \"What is the Cabbage Soup Diet?\". Some of the common questions about this diet are: Is there really a Cabbag...

Whats Food Got To Do With It ..Do With It?

It\'s time for your check-up, and the doctor advises that your cholesterol level is way too high! You panic a bit; but he informs you to either lose weight or begin a drug regimen. You choose the former; since taking medication not a choice for you. ...

December 2006

5 Steps To A Better Body That Anyone Can Take

by 1 other
If only there were a \'better body boot camp\', we\'d be there every April - before spring started to show itself and those lovely winter jackets had to come off. Although this isn\'t a better body boot camp, this article can offer you 5 practical ste...

Are You Truly Ready To Lose Weight?

Before deciding what kind of weight loss plan is best for you, ask yourself this one crucial question and ensure your weight loss success!

Drink to a Better Future: Drink Cabernet and Live a Longer and Healthier Life

More and more studies are showing that you should not stop having wine at dinner when dieting, because there are too many significant long-term health benefits and they outweigh the mere calorie intake. In fact, wine might even be considered the new he...