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PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tag health

11 August 2007

Texas Ups Its Calcium and Downs Its Antacids

New studies reveal that one\\\'s source of calcium may be just as important, or more so, as the total amount of calcium ingested. In fact, women who consumed less calcium, but got it from food sources, had a higher bone density than those who received ...

Young People In Texas Struggle With Money Issues

In some respects, every generation has its own unique challenges. But young people reaching adulthood in Texas, especially in larger cities like Austin, Dallas and Houston, are waking up to the financial realities that come as part of life.

09 August 2007

Eating Healthy In Texas Means Paying Attention To Fat

Fat is bad, right? Actually, it all depends on the type of fat that\'s being consumed. In reality, there are good fats (omega 3 fatty acids) and not so good ones (omega 6s), but scientists now have a better understanding of where the good and the b...

01 August 2007

When is Sugar Good for You?

Glyconutrients are the eight essential sugars that are available in the plant body. These are very essential for the human body. Glyconutrition deals with the glyconutrients and their activities in the body and cells.

31 July 2007

Reduce Diabetes Risk By Increasing Fiber And Magnesium Intake

As a young child I\'ve been taught that milk is a complete food because it contains most of the nutrients necessary for good health. Most especially, milk is the best natural source of Vitamin D and Calcium - the key nutrients for bone health.

27 July 2007

Mineral Deficiency - Are You Getting Enough?

Mineral deficiency is pratically unheard of for some, but not all minerals. Do you know which ones?

26 July 2007

How To Teach Good Eating Habits

If you want to encourage your kids to eat right then train them to eat right. But first, you also have to train yourself to eat right so you can be a good example to them.

25 July 2007

Three Top Dieting Tips

To begin with, you should drink a glass of water in the morning first thing, before you eat. This is probably the easiest glass you will drink all day and it will help you remember to drink water all day long. Better yet, why not drink two glasses?

24 July 2007

Where Have The Hours Gone

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Have you ever thought what you would do with an hour? Living in a busy hectic world, we often hear comments about how life would be much easier if only there were a couple of extra hours to spare each day. Let me ask you though, what would you use thos...

Water and Why You Need It

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Considering your body is made up of fifty to seventy percent water, it\'s surprising how few people know why it\'s so important.

How To Tighten Up Your Stomach Muscles

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Most people want to look their best, especially during the warmer spring/summer months where most people dress on the lighter side. To look your best, many people focus on strengthening and tightening up their stomach muscles.

How To Tighten Up Your Stomach Muscles

Most people want to look their best, especially during the warmer spring/summer months where most people dress on the lighter side. To look your best, many people focus on strengthening and tightening up their stomach muscles.

Two Ways to Stay Healthy Throughout Your Life

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Worry robs us of our health. But we can\'t just stop worrying without replacing it with something better.

23 July 2007

How Worrying About Health Costs Actually Makes It Even More Expensive

It\'s easy to lower your health costs. Just don\'t worry about them. Worry contributes to the health problems that make costs skyrocket.

21 July 2007

Getting Engaged? How Should You Handle Health Insurance?

When preparing for marriage, many happy Texan couples spend months planning for their special day to make sure it takes place without a hitch. But how many engaged couples put that kind of preparation into sharing a life together, especially when it co...

20 July 2007

What are Polysaccharides?

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There is a specific type of polysaccharide present, known as acidic polysaccharide, which has in it carboxyl groups, phosphate group, and sulfuric aster groups.

19 July 2007

The High Deductible Health Plan - What Is It And How Does It Benefit Me?

Benefits experts are stating that conventional coverage, such as health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and preferred provider organizations (PPOs), are still the main types of health care plans.

Pain, Pain Go Away: Texas Seeks A Choice Of Treatments For Chronic Pain Sufferers

Chronic pain affects between 75 and 90 million Americans every year, and will disable more people than cancer and heart disease combined.

Antioxidants May Prevent Bone Loss: Texas Sees New Treatments For Osteoporosis

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New research suggests that taking antioxidants may prevent bone loss in menopausal women, one of the primary health concerns associated with this condition.

Choose a Glyconutritional Supplement

Research supports that, where food is abundant, increasing the intake of plant based food, in particular fruit and vegetable, can help to reduce the occurrence of chronic disease.

18 July 2007

Top Five Tips for Maintaining Optimal Nutrition

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Adopt the phrase moderation. At no time should you consider some foods \'bad\' and other foods good. Rather, all foods can be nourishing if they are eaten in moderation. Chocolate cake will not make you fat if you don\'t eat it every day for dinner!

Top Five Tips for Maintaining Optimal Nutrition

Adopt the phrase moderation. At no time should you consider some foods \'bad\' and other foods good. Rather, all foods can be nourishing if they are eaten in moderation. Chocolate cake will not make you fat if you don\'t eat it every day for dinner!

Top Five Tips for Maintaining Optimal Nutrition

Adopt the phrase moderation. At no time should you consider some foods \'bad\' and other foods good. Rather, all foods can be nourishing if they are eaten in moderation. Chocolate cake will not make you fat if you don\'t eat it every day for dinner!

Top Five Tips for Maintaining Optimal Nutrition

by 1 other
Adopt the phrase moderation. At no time should you consider some foods \'bad\' and other foods good. Rather, all foods can be nourishing if they are eaten in moderation. Chocolate cake will not make you fat if you don\'t eat it every day for dinner!

Top Five Tips for Maintaining Optimal Nutrition

by 1 other
Adopt the phrase moderation. At no time should you consider some foods \'bad\' and other foods good. Rather, all foods can be nourishing if they are eaten in moderation. Chocolate cake will not make you fat if you don\'t eat it every day for dinner!