public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tag depression

July 2007

Does Divorce and Depression Go Hand in Hand

by 1 other
Getting a divorce causes grief very much like the grief experienced when a loved one dies. The emotions are similar and follow a like pattern including the associated depression.

What is Psychological Depression?

Psychological depression can interfere with a person\'s ability to function effectively throughout the day or even to have the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and it is in fact so common that over 1 in 5 Americans can expect to get some for...

How To Cope with Depression and Continue With Life

Tips for dealing with depression right now.

The Truth About Pregnancy Depression

Being pregnant is a great time for most women. They are so excited to be on their way to giving birth to the child of their dreams and they are very happy to have their dreams finally come true. However some women have a hard time dealing with the stre...

June 2007

The Hidden Links Between Depression And Heart Disease

While there are tales of people dying of a broken heart, such sayings have long been relegated to the fantasy bin.

Coping With Postpartum Depression

There are many women that have are coping with postpartum depression at some point in their life. This is something that they have to deal with and are able to get the help that is needed for an effective life ahead of them.

Coping With Postpartum Depression

There are many women that have are coping with postpartum depression at some point in their life. This is something that they have to deal with and are able to get the help that is needed for an effective life ahead of them.

How To Identify Depressed Behavior

Only a member of the medical profession can properly diagnose your symptoms of depression and should be consulted if you, or a loved one is displaying signs of depressed behavior.

Alternative Medicine: Try Something Natural Against Depression

Many of those who live with depression as part of their daily lives want to use something other than antidepressants to help them. Many depression sufferers are looking to natural alternatives to a lifetime of taking medication.

Treating Depression with Magnetic Therapy

Man has been dependent on traditional medicine for a long time. However, as time passes by, researchers and even medical experts see that even the most efficient of drugs can bring unsatisfactory results. One of the newest, \"non traditional\" methods ...

Menopause and Anxiety: How to Bring Natural Relief

Menopause and anxiety should be understood as cause and effect due to the decline of estrogen level in a woman. Thus, proper treatment for menopause can effectively bring emotional relief and eliminate depression and low-esteem in women.

February 2007

Alcohol, America's Drug of Choice: A Historical Review

A recent study showed that millions of Americans are turning to alcohol and other drugs to ease the discomfort of their stress-filled lives. But like stress itself, Self-medicating is for from being a new approach to deal with social and psychological ...

How To Cope with Depression and Continue With Life

Tips for dealing with depression right now.

Depression: A Problem That Affects The Whole Body

While many people do go through times in their lives when they feel disheartened, sad and stressed. Depression is much more than feelings of sadness.

Depression: A Problem That Affects The Whole Body

by 1 other
While many people do go through times in their lives when they feel disheartened, sad and stressed. Depression is much more than feelings of sadness.

January 2007

Taking Care of Mentally Challenged Family Member

This article describes what it is like to live with a family member who is mentally challenged.

Taking Care of Mentally Challenged Family Member

by 1 other
This article describes what it is like to live with a family member who is mentally challenged.

Beat Depression and Stress with Exercise

John Howard, the Prime Minister of Australia, would have arguably one of the most stressful and demanding jobs in the country. Yet he still finds time for his daily fitness walk. This message from the top highlights the critical importance of exercise ...

Is A Self Help Group Right For You?

Everyone needs a little help sometimes. Unfortunately, many of us tend to deny this and don't speak out when we need to. A self help group could be the resource you need to recover.

Is A Self Help Group Right For You?

by 1 other
Everyone needs a little help sometimes. Unfortunately, many of us tend to deny this and don't speak out when we need to. A self help group could be the resource you need to recover.

Simple, Effective Techniques To Managing Stress

Stress is one of the greatest causes of health problems today. This article outlines several ways to deal with stress in a healthy, effective manner.

Selecting Music for Healing and Wellness

by 1 other
This article will show you how music can be used to heal and to provide overall wellness. It explores how to select the most appropriate recordings for your alternative healing techniques.

Music For Healing, Relaxation, and Wellness

This articles describes how music alone can help with wellness, health, depression, physical illness and more

Music For Healing, Relaxation, and Wellness

This articles describes how music alone can help with wellness, health, depression, physical illness and more

Music For Healing, Relaxation, and Wellness

This articles describes how music alone can help with wellness, health, depression, physical illness and more