public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tag debt

August 2007

Loan Guru: Advantages of a Home Equity Loan

A home equity loan is often referred to as a second mortgage and it allows homeowners to borrow money using the equity they have already built in their homes.

Borrowing Should Be 'Structured In Best Way Possible'

Britons need to take time to ensure their mortgage deal is the right one for them, an industry expert has claimed.

July 2007

Debt Consolidation - A Pattern For Life?

When people start getting in debt up to their ears, most start thinking about ways to get out of it. Of course, this is natural and to be expected. Unfortunately, though, many do not go far enough.

Getting Out Of Debt With Debt Consolidation Services

Many people nowadays suffer from bad credit and debt because of poor spending and money management habits. A solution is to consider debt consolidation services to help erase the debt and to repair credit.

A Simple Way to Cut Your Monthly Expenses

by 1 other
There\'s an easy way to cut your monthly expenses that takes advantage of one of the most successful business models in the corporate world.

May Mortgage Lending In 2007 'Peak'

Mortgage lending peaked over the course of last month, the publication of a new set of figures has indicated.

Consumers Have 'Fear' Over Finances

Millions of Britons suffer from money fear, according to a new study.

'Thousands Wasted' Through Unnecessary Clothes Shopping

Britons debt consolidation problems are potentially being exacerbated through unnecessary shopping, new figures indicate.

Five Keys To Effective Debt Consolidation

There are many debt consolidation programs out there. Many simply want to take some more of your hard-earned money and may simply provide you with a minimum of services.

What Is A No Fee Mortgage?

Everyone is aware that mortgages come with a lot of different fees attached. To most everyone, this also meant that the lender, or the mortgage broker was getting rich by adding these fees to the deal. Before long, someone thought they would provide a ...

Can A Balance Transfer Credit Card Help You With Debt Consolidation?

It is not hard to have credit cards maxed out before you know it. Soon, though, the bills calling for payment on those things you bought begins to take its toll on your available funds. Before you know it, it may be next to impossible, almost, to catch...

June 2007

How To Get A Fast Remortgage And Clear Your Problems

This article looks at how someone can get a fast remortgage and clear away their financial problems.

Quick Debt Reduction - Tips for an Easy Life

We need to resort to quick debt reduction to make our life easier and happier. Here we will discuss debt elimination tips and the best way to eliminate credit card debt. Life may appear great with credit cards, but the bottom line is that mounting debt...

Consolidate Loans And Eliminate Debt

Consolidated loans are often the answer to financial stress. As a result of the high cost of living, poor budgeting, and the availability of buying on time, many Americans soon find themselves struggling to meet each month\'s financial obligations.

Need Debt Consolidation? - How To Do It With A Cash Out Mortgage

Taking care of your debts can be done rather quickly by getting a cash out mortgage. A cash out mortgage is actually a first mortgage and it will require you to refinance your existing one.

Avoiding Bankruptcy Through Debt Consolidation

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Businesses that have borrowed large sums of money from lending institutions face difficulty paying the loan back. Once the business goes into debt, it is very difficult to get out of, but one option for these firms is to turn to debt consolidation to e...

May 2007

Getting Past a Bankruptcy

Life after bankruptcy is difficult. You have to rebuild your credit and learn to live with much less credit.

Getting Past a Bankruptcy

Life after bankruptcy is difficult. You have to rebuild your credit and learn to live with much less credit.

Finding The Best Rate Car Loan

Before you take out a car loan you will need to consider how much you can afford to pay out each month, generally shorter term loans will have a lower interest rate which may seem tempting but they will have a higher monthly payment.

Get Out Of Debt And Enjoy Life

I could only guess what a great feeling it would be to be totally out of debt. You could experience a freedom that would be out of this world. Although most people will have a hard time getting a handle on the money that goes through their hands if you...

How To Get A Bank Loan With Ease

This article looks at how anyone can obtain a loan from their bank.

Secured Finance What Is It And How You Can Obtain It

by 1 other
This article looks at what secured finance is and how the general public can obtain it.

A Plan To Repair Your Credit - Part 4

It is important to periodically check on your credit report no matter your credit condition. In this day and age of technology and identity theft, it\'s important to know exactly what\'s going on in your credit report. This protects you and your financ...

A Plan To Repair Your Credit - Part 2

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It\'s very possible that there is incorrect information that is negatively affecting your credit report. The only way to stay on top of that is to get your yearly free credit report from all three reporting agencies and find those mistakes yourself.