public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from troubledblogger with tag copywriting

August 2007

How To Write A Sinful & Compelling Copy That Will Magically Increase Sales

Writing an effective website copy is all about putting the right message in front of the right people at the right time. Read up on these expert tips that can give you you some things to think about for your own copy.

How To Write A Sinful & Compelling Copy That Will Magically Increase Sales

Writing an effective website copy is all about putting the right message in front of the right people at the right time. Read up on these expert tips that can give you you some things to think about for your own copy.

Two Common Negotiating Mistakes Copywriters Make, and How to Avoid Them

Article describes two financially ruinous negotiating tactics often made by beginning copywriters and suggests better alternatives.

July 2007

Specialty Copywriting: How to Select the Right Niche Market for You

Everyone knows about the tranditional business categories where copywriting work will be found, but when you think \"out of the box,\" you can find hidden niches - or even create entirely new niches - where you might be the only copywriter!

When It Comes To Effectively Marketing Your Business Its All About The Words

Everything is marketing these days. From the words in a TV or newspaper advertisement, to the words on magazine covers, to the words on a cereal box. It\'s all about words, right? Words designed to get you to take action. This article lays out some...

Your Unique Selling Proposition: Use It. Or Lose Everything

Business owners and copywriters alike need to understand the power of the Unique Selling Proposition. Actual corporate USPs are included for illustration and clarity.

Failed Agreements: What Copywriters Must Know About Negotiation

Two ways copywriters sabotage jobs, ensuring low pay and an unhappy client. Follow these tried-and-true rules of thumb and you\'ll see more immediate success with your clients, the work you do for them and what you get paid.

How to Build Your First Copywriting Portfolio

Three ways novice copywriters can build a portfolio when they have no samples to offer.

How the Freelancer Can Build a Super Powerful Prospect List

Every business needs a list to prospect to, and the quality of that list will determine the success of the freelancer. Here\'s how to build a list of strong prospects...

The Biggest Lie Potential Clients Will Tell A Copywriter

Don\'t let potential copywriting clients tell you this lie. It will cost you money and leave you feeling frustrated.

Preparation For Special Feature Articles Writing

To attain success as a writer of special feature articles a person must possess at least four qualifications.

June 2007

6 Red Hot Tips To Get Your Articles Read

There are many people who dread having to write papers or articles. Many just feel like it seems to be too much work and it all just goes to waste when no one reads the. To some people, reading articles seems like work to, especially if the article is ...

4 Things All Articles Must Have - Don't Forget!

The importance of articles in today\'s websites and internet based companies are immeasurable. They dictate a lot in the success and the drive of traffic into ones site.

How To Begin Writing Articles

Importance of the Beginning. The value of a good beginning for a news story, a special feature article, or a short story results from the way in which most persons read newspapers and magazines.

Tracking Customer Surfing Behaviors

Is this new tracking software an invasion of privacy, or just a useful feedback tool for internet marketers and copywriters.

High Quality Perceptions Start with Truthful Expressions and a Well-Conceived Messaging Strategy

A discussion about how marketing, advertising and branding that creates positive perceptions in the marketplace is a key function of a good copywriting and messaging strategy

High Quality Perceptions Start with Truthful Expressions and a Well-Conceived Messaging Strategy

A discussion about how marketing, advertising and branding that creates positive perceptions in the marketplace is a key function of a good copywriting and messaging strategy

Carpet Cleaning Advertising 101

This article will teach carpet cleaning company owners the basics of advertising. They will learn how to write benefits and how to differentiate themselves.

One Of The Biggest Mistakes You're Making Right Now In Your Marketing

A simple secret revealed by copywriting expert, Brett McFall, which could increase your sales by 30% overnight

May 2007

A Look At Some Of The Best Classified Ad Writing Strategies

There\'s no better way to learn how to be successful at anything than by following what successful people do. Obviously can\'t copy a successful classified ad word-for-word but as you study these ads you\'ll start to see common elements which you can u...

February 2007

SEO Ghostwriting for Online Publishers

by 1 other
Ghostwriting for online publishers is somewhat different from offline mediums for a number of reasons. Many offline ghostwriters find that they are not fully qualified to write for web-based publications.

January 2007

Small Business: When Is It a Profitable Niche

Small business can be a very lucrative market under certain circumstances. Article gives three examples.

Who Lands the Big Companies

by 1 other
If you want to work with the very large companies like IBM, Microsoft and others, you need a great \"value proposition.\"

Article Re-Writing is the Hot New Marketing Strategy for 2007

by 1 other
How to make the most out of article re-writing and maximize your ROI from your Internet business.

Article Re-Writing is the Hot New Marketing Strategy for 2007

by 1 other
How to make the most out of article re-writing and maximize your ROI from your Internet business.