public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from telemployee with tags music & celebrities

10 June 2008

Radiohead Go Chasing Rainbows in Ireland

Radiohead play the opening night of their European tour at Malahide Castle, Dublin. Fittingly for a band who released In Rainbows last year, a rainbow appeared in the sky as they took to the stage.

07 June 2008

Bizotch - Social Network Site that Allows You to Rewrite News the Way YOU Want It

Don't like the way a story has been written? gives you power and enables you, the reader, to edit the news however you want. So, if you think we've been too harsh by referring to Pete Doherty as a junkie scumbag you can change it to something more pleasant. Equally, if you think junkie scumbag is not harsh enough for the Babyshambles singer and can think of something a lot worse to call him, go for it!