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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag wine

06 September 2008 05:00

Usando o VirtualBox

Até pouco tempo, usar uma máquina virtual era sinônimo de usar o VMware Player ou o VMware Server. Isso mudou com o crescimento do VirtualBox, que começou como um projeto da Innotek (uma empresa alemã de desenvolvimento de softwares) e foi posteriormente incorporado pela Sun. O VirtualBox é um virtualizador bastante prático e poderoso e possui versões para Linux e para Windows, além de ser gratuito e open-source.

30 August 2008 03:30 |

CygwinTM Cygwin is a set of powerful tools to assist developers in migrating applications from UNIX®/Linux to the Microsoft® Windows®; platform. Cygwin delivers the open source standard Red Hat GNU gcc compiler and gdb debugger on Windows. In addition, it provides for a standard UNIX/Linux development environment on Windows including APIs and command shells. The Cygwin.dll library, included with Cygwin, delivers the interesting subset of UNIX SVR4, BSD, and POSIX APIs to enable quick ports of UNIX/Linux applications to the Windows platform. What Can Cygwin Do? With Cygwin, administrators can easily remote login to any PC, fix problems within a UNIX/Linux shell, on any Windows machine and run shell command scripts. Sophisticated shell command scripts can be created with standard shells, sed, awk, etc. Standard Windows command line tools can even be intermixed within the UNIX/Linux shell script environment to administer the Windows system. Over the years, UNIX/Linux system administrators have developed a large toolbox set of management scripts for their UNIX/Linux machines. Cygwin provides the ability to continue using these scripts on Windows machines. Why Use Cygwin? One of the largest problems developers face today is supporting their applications on disparate platforms. Windows workstations continue to be added to an environment already populated by Linux and other UNIX-based Operating Systems. Using Cygwin, developers can manage heterogeneous environments in a consistent, efficient way. Cygwin brings a standard UNIX/Linux shell environment, including many of its most useful commands to the Windows platform, so IT managers can effectively deploy trained staff, and leverage existing investments in UNIX/Linux source code and shell scripts. The Cygwin Contract A Cygwin Contract provides customers with: * The ability to distribute customer's applications without being bound by the GPL. Therefore, customers are not required to provide their applications in open source code form. * A license to distribute unlimited quantities of Cygwin libraries with customer's applications. * A robust set of tools for easily migrating applications from UNIX/Linux to Windows. * The latest Pentium optimized compiler tools.

29 August 2008 18:30

Cygwin User's Guide

Cygwin User's Guide The Cygwin User's Guide is now available in several formats: * Several HTML files, with Table of Contents * One large compressed HTML file * One compressed PDF file Alternatively, you may jump to a section that interests you: * Quick Start Guide for those more experienced with Windows * Quick Start Guide for those more experienced with UNIX * Help with setting up Cygwin with setup.exe

06 August 2008 13:00

05 August 2008 14:15

29 July 2008 03:15

12 December 2007 06:45

Segunda opção para enviar SMS (sem java)

Agora mais um ótimo programa para enviar SMS pelo Linux, porém este software é bem mais simples e com menos recursos, mas não necessita do java (mas precisa do mono) e faz a mesma coisa no final. E ele nem precisa de instalação. Chama-se MensagemWeb.

17 October 2007 10:15

17 October 2007 10:00

05 October 2007 08:15 - Download all your missing dll-files.

by 20 others (via)
Welcome to! Everyone has received a "Couldn't find ****.dll..." pop-up message at some time. Well folks, your problems are over! Here you will find the most common files that may be missing or corrupted on your computer. Feel free to download at no cost!

05 October 2007 08:00

05 October 2007 07:30

Frank's Corner, Running Windows applications and games on Linux/title>

by 4 others (via)
This website contains all the information you need to get some popular Windows applications and games running on Linux using Wine. Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. All information on this site is related to Wine and not to WineX/Cedega or CrossOver Office.

04 October 2007 18:00

13 September 2007 15:45

Cygwin Information and Installation

by 11 others (via)
What Is Cygwin? # Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows. It consists of two parts: A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a Linux API emulation layer providing substantial Linux API functionality. # A collection of tools which provide Linux look and feel. The Cygwin DLL currently works with all recent, commercially released x86 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows, with the exception of Windows CE. Note that the official support for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me will be discontinued with the next major version (1.7.0) of Cygwin. What Isn't Cygwin? # Cygwin is not a way to run native linux apps on Windows. You have to rebuild your application from source if you want it to run on Windows. # Cygwin is not a way to magically make native Windows apps aware of UNIX ® functionality, like signals, ptys, etc. Again, you need to build your apps from source if you want to take advantage of Cygwin functionality.

03 September 2007 03:15

wine - Ubuntu Games

WineHQ é uma implementação livre de APIs Windows sobre as bibliotecas linux. Não é um emulador, nem uma máquina virtual, é um tradutor.

20 August 2007 23:45

FAQ - The Official Wine Wiki

General Questions: 1. How do I run Wine? 2. What is the difference between Wine, Crossover Linux, and Cedega? 3. Can I use Wine to install drivers for my hardware? 4. Why do some people write WINE and not Wine? 5. Is Wine an emulator? There seems to be an argument. 6. Does Wine hurt Linux? 7. Why does Wine have a Windows version on the download page? 8. Does Wine run on 64-bit ? 9. Where can I get further help?

05 August 2007 12:45

04 August 2007 03:15

03 August 2007 20:45

Wine HQ - Wine HowTo

How to help get applications working in Wine If you want to help get an application working in Wine, the first thing you should do is register yourself in the applications database and use one of your votes to indicate that you'd like more effort to be spent on the application. Every once in a while, a Wine developer will finish a project and look for something to do - combing through the higher voted apps to find one that people need work on is a great way to spend one's time and fill up a todo list. If the application that you want working is not listed in the applications database, there is an easy to use form available for you to add it. If the application is in the database, but lacks a maintainer, you should consider becoming one. If you are familiar with Wine and have a desire to test the application and help get or keep it working, please apply by clicking the link in the application's page. Each application should have a supermaintainer, and, if different versions of the application are substantially different (such as in Internet Explorer), each subversion should have a maintainer. Please don't feel deterred by the need to apply to become a maintainer - the application form is largely a formality to prevent abuse and we can virtually guarantee your acceptance. If you are the developer or publisher of the application, you obviously have a very big incentive to help get your application working under Wine. Fortunately, there are many options available to you other than reporting bugs and hoping someone will fix them. By far the easiest way is to simply send free copies of your software to Wine developers and hope they'll take an interest in getting it working. You'd be amazed how effective this approach can be, particularly for games. An alternative option, perhaps more effective and expensive, is to pay Wine developers for their work on your application, either directly through a negotiated contract or indirectly by posting a bounty. CodeWeavers, a major Wine developer, offers a special section for pledges at their compatibility center website. The most direct method, however, is to help develop Wine itself and contribute code directly, which is exactly what Corel did for WordPerfect several years ago. In any case, making a post on the Wine developers email list can go a long way

Wine HQ - Announce

This is release 0.9.42 of Wine, a free implementation of Windows on Unix. What's new in this release: - Support for activation contexts and side-by-side assemblies. - Many more gdiplus functions. - More messaging support in crypt32.dll. - Many HTTP protocol handling fixes. - Lots of bug fixes.

03 August 2007 20:30

Wine HQ

by 10 others (via)
Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix.

03 August 2007 18:45

MediaCoder - Downloads

by 3 others
Requirements * Windows XP/2000 (recommended) * Windows Vista (may work, please report) * Windows 98/ME (most features may work) * Linux with WINE (some users have reported that most features can work) * SSE instruction set is required for some target formats * Dual-core processors have optimized performance